zybooks is badzybooks is bad

It was very easy to use although I still found myself using repl.it to create my code for its visual error notifications. zybooks is bad. I am usually against the use of online textbooks, I find them hard to navigate (I also dislike looking at a computer screen for long periods of time reading but that isn't relevant). The active activities do aide in learning the material. My first CS class and also my first time using zyBooks. Zybooks brings a different perspective and different approaches to learning the material outside the classroom. I love this software because it teaches and helps when incorrect answers are input rather than just saying you are wrong. All Systems Operational Uptime over the past 90 days. By that I mean that you are doing activities while you read as opposed to reading the chapter first, then doing exercises. zyBooks is great! Interesting learning tool, can seem dense at times but very useful. At times the software would not save current progress if you didn't get a perfect score. Giving virtual examples of concepts was extremely helpful. The challenge exercises are good, they keep repeating the basic concepts until they are fully understood by the user, not allowing the user to move on until passing--great idea. Also, I would have preferred that this book be available for print and save as PDF. zyBooks is helpful and informative and largely possesses more pros than cons when it comes to learning this material. I thought it was a good way to further learn the material that the professor has presented. It's a very useful website with good technology that helps learning with answering questions. Zybooks would be great on its own, however in addition to a bunch of other assignments, it can be overwhelming and I feel like I'm just doing this for credit. It was interactive so I was actually able to conceptualize the things I was learning as I was learning it rather than reading it without understanding. Maybe the instructors and the material tell the student to work things on their computers, and the students that I've got just don't care and try learning relying only on the zylabs. It's a strong way to learn. I thought Zybooks was going to be like _____, but I actually liked it better than _____, I found it easier to use and navigate. The approach zyBooks took me through to learn the same material was leagues ahead of my learning experience last year. the website and platform is organized very well, it is easy to read and functions well. Good source of material, but programming assignments are sometimes too easy. I think that it would be helpful if the examples were laid out in a different way, such as the animations for participation activities. It's a good way to learn but discourages professors from teaching. Sometimes, it takes too much time to do some questions or labs because the requirements are not clear. I find interactive activities to be very useful, It helps me a bit in understanding new concepts. Becoming the bad guy. Can't find anything, search feature is terrible, no summaries, doesnt save the selections for questions. Its helpful could be more helpful with fewer assignments. I thought it made the content more enjoyable and harder to lose focus while reading. The way zyBooks makes the students engage with the material is very benefical. johnny canuck's nutritional information. It seems like Udacity would be a better option for this program. Especially with the data structures. useful and effective way to teach the basics of coding since the content is nothing new or cutting edge, helps free up space for the teacher to teach more important/complex concepts. Here is the link to it. I love the fact that we can do activities directly from the book and that they are graded as we do them. Interactive. I really enjoy the examples and the short activities within each lesson. Its interactive on learning basis and helps grasp the knowledge through animations and simulations. Its a good learning tool, but the Challenge Activities dont always function in Firefox and some of the Participation Activities can be bypassed too easily in my opinion. A very convenient platform to access information about the course. I learn best through examples and homework problems. It was a good estimate of what I knew or didn't know. I personally needed the mixture of zyBook, worksheets, and lectures to feel like I was fully understanding the material, so it was not enough for the class by itself, but it was a great resource. I just started my Software Dev degree at WGU in July. It has been tremendously helpful in teaching me java. I found zyBooks reasonably good at learning complex concepts. it's kind of annoying to program in these text boxes with no linting or auto completion of brackets/paranthesis, etc. It really helped me understand the material and I loved that it was an interactive textbook. 3.2 For loops Survey The following questions are part of a zyBooks survey to help us improve our content so we can offer the best experience for students. I think it is an amazing platform, it helped me learn a lot! Just enough to get me through the class. For instance, I realized the declarative knowledge regarding some concepts were presented after the procedural knowledge was presented (i.e., how to use it was presented before the background info containing its purpose and use). I will be honest that the section on Linked Lists has been kind of confusing, but I think in the end I figured it out. I really liked zyBooks. zyBooks is easy to use and I enjoy it. Its an amazing tool to use for classes, it helps greatly by making the material very easy to understand. Very easy to use, extremely helpful when the material is difficult. Worked decently - for the big stuff I mostly copy and pasted from my own editor though. Zybooks is one of the best way of self-learning. I would say, however, that the Zybook works better for those students who have already taken at least one other programming course. overall decent but the participating activities need adjustment some of them take more time than they should to go through them just because of the animation and some are just plain repetitive. Some topics become tedious. I miss one character in a challenge exercise and the whole thing goes down the tube. One of the outputs was not right if you plug it into a formula. I find zyBooks easy to use and a fun interactive platform to learn. IT's a fantastic interactive learning platform. With zybooks I was able to get the practice and explanations that I really needed and I started doing a lot better on my exams and quizzes. I don't think the material was that bad, it was pretty comprehensive for what I needed to learn; however I think my dislike came from the fact that this is the only way our professor gave assignments and it became INCREDIBLY tedious to finish all the labs. I enjoyed that this site came with interactive activities and review questions that helped me retain important information for my course. Some of the Challenge questions are very repetitive and boring. So far it has been extremely useful for diving further into topics, The visual aspect of zybooks is really nice compared to others, I like the interface and the variety of questions, This has been very helpful during the crisis. It has clear instructions and enough information that anyone, if read all the way, is able to complete it. I think zybook is better than physical books. What we were doing on here wasn't aligned to what we were doing in class, but thats not zybooks fault. I think I learned a lottt! Definitely helps make possibly boring subjects/concepts more easier to swallow. I don't know about other books, but your computer programming 1 book is bad. Get a demo today. I think zybooks is an incredible tool that allows the students to take assignments or understand course works that they learned during their class time. It was very helpful in my learning process, especially because the 2019-2020 school year was moved online. It was a great experience and I wish that all of my courses implemented it. Whats the point if i cant go back and read/practice the information anyway. It's written way better than my standard textbook. The field our textbook is based off of is an extremely fluid subject, so unfortunately some small portions were out of date; which were only a year out at the most. I am currently in the Scripting and Programming - Foundations class. I definitely prefer using zyBooks over a traditional book. I appreciated the points system and the multiple checkpoints granted for the chapters; however, I wish that some of the content was more linearly explained. I think zyBooks is a great app to learn about programming, especially beginner programming. Hi all! The material was explained clearly, and the participation activities, challenge activities, and labs reinforced what I was learning. Some concepts like Linked-Lists are very confusing to grasp at first especially understanding pointers but the animations made it very clear for me. zyBooks strike the perfect balance between text volume and engaged learning, with studies showing that students spend more time learning. I think it is a very interesting and helpful tool. I was able to understand most of the readings, there were a couple I didn't really understand. I think a little more help on challenge activities would be good. They helped me understand concepts on a deeper level through examples. The challenge and participation activities we're useful to go back and look at previous examples but in the moment I would just speed through them for the grade as there was no proper incentive not to. Overall, I really enjoyed it. The formatting of the material in a more portrait page layout similar to textbooks does not work well on computer monitors. I like zybooks, I enjoy the interactive aspect of it, and the fact that it helps me understand concepts and it is something I can easily go back to. I'd rather use zybooks than zoom lectures. On top of that, the interface and problem descriptions, more often than not, are confusing to newcomers (One recurring example: People not knowing what input() really does, because they never interacted with a program, and trying to assign the value from the example in the description in the promp, and then printing what actually is an input from the user, etc). It is a great platform for a class such as CSE which is computer-based. It's honestly one of the best learning tools. Overall, my main concern was the lack of advanced material. Useful learning technique. Sometimes the coding "do it yourself" problems were very difficult even after reading the context. I feel like the content is thought out and interactive. However, with my learning habits, simply reading about the complex concepts about programming was not enough. ZyBook is very useful but for some material the Professor was able to clarify some issues I was having. I also loved the challenge activities, it really helped me learn! I'm enrolled in a Data Science class that was just offered for the first time this semester. This is my second course through zybooks both of which were for programming and it has helped me learn very well for both classes. The way it is organized is very useful and the examples and participation activity are helpful. Helpful for repeat practice. However it is no substitute for someone teaching you about abstract concepts. When reviewing the examples I completed, the answer I wrote is erased after logging off or refreshing the page. I like zybook and the fact that the sections are pretty condensed while still giving you interactive practice. We did not filter responses based on positive or negative comments. I love how ZyBooks performs the guided training, then the labs. When someone learns how to program, their first steps generally consists of making programs that print some message on some shell, read inputs from the user, and basic operations with variables. The feedback for each question, whether it was answered correctly or not, is helpful. Not to mention the frustration. I've often found myself choosing to look back at zyBooks instead of googling a question I had. The reading introduces the concept and the practice teaches it. Easy to work with and good division of workload. It is a very clever way to present textbook content, in particular related to coding. I'm just starting CS program slackiswhack 2 yr. ago For Python: PyCharm For Java: Eclipse Good luck. The format has been easy to use, especially once I figured out the expected way to input code. Of course, nearly every educational publisher can find and post a couple of nice quotes from students. It was extremely helpful in providing structure to my studying and general learning practices. But many things in life aren't. Helpful lecture content, labs and challenges. I appreciated the exercises, drills, etc. It has numerous spelling and grammar errors as well as confusing material. I really enjoy zyBooks. Zybooks are a good way to reinforce concepts taught in class through interactive lessons and problems that give instant feedback. I really enjoy it. aeries parent portal madera. There were other areas too, this is just the one I can remember off the top of my head. I don't think our teacher's teaching style was compatible with Zybooks, though I do like the exercises. I think its a better alternative to online classes since it explains things relatively concisely however, i prefer actual classes. I liked that it was conceptual and interactive. I like the way it gives you multiple times to correct you answer. It is very interactive, so it helps me learn much better. Super easy to use and has very cool visual/video/interactive examples. zyBooks can include configurable embedded coding environments that allow students to work with real code, on the fly. Can Zybooks Detect Cheating? - What Box Game I thought zyBooks was a very helpful tool in learning coding for Python. Pretty good interactive content. zyBook is really amazing and easy to use. but instead of giving us assignments on them, he would just check that we had done these in-book assignment things that we could just click through, so I never gave a shit about the readings. I have found it very helpful in my courses. Zybook is amazing! I think Zybooks helps streamline course content, and makes it a lot easier for readings to be assigned and then later looked through (with the search function). The integrated interpreter and the ways it is used with the material enhances the learning experience in a very powerful way. I really like it, the labs are very well explained, participation activities keep it dynamic. At first I was upset because it costs money, but it is so much better than reading a stupid pdf. It helps me learn programming very easily, Good for referencing but tedious and not enough coding, Easy interactability, helpful for computer science course. I very like the interaction part of Zybooks. I am not a computer science major, and I thought this was a really helpful introduction to the material. It's very easy to understand and do the work. I wish more of my classes used zyBooks. Easy to learn with visuals but not so much with a lot of text. Had this been new to me I also believe the layout of zyBooks would make it quite easy to learn. At first I was very hesitant to using zyBooks. it was very informative and really helped me understand each concept. Teach me and I remember. It implies a certain steps which make it more difficult to understand why a step has taken place. Compared to the hands on platforms like Codecademy, Udacity, etc it does a poor job of explaining the material. zyBooks actualized it. It prepared me very much for my class and all the interactive participation was fun to do and very helpful. I liked the assignments a lot and helped me to understand coding better. I did not enjoy the in-zyBook programming assignments. Zybooks has given me great insight on both classes I have used it for. into thin air outside magazine article 1996; I'm finding it very helpful especially with the illustrations and animations. This makes studying a nightmare. As it was my first time programming, it provided a clear and organized comprehension method allowing me to catch onto concepts and the language quite quickly. Too dense and abstract for me to care and comprehend the material. Initially, when we switched to remote learning, I thought that having a mandatory textbook requirement would be a nuisance; however zyBooks is actually a really good resource. We show 1000 responses dont try to read them all (thats too many), but rather we encourage you to jump around. just a better ui for the transitions with fsm simulators, would be nice. It is very difficult for me to grasp a concept through lectures or information. Anonymize references to competitor products (using ___). Very thorough and bravo zyBooks! Least-prepared students. It is helpful for learning and studying the material in the class, Overall great, but it will be better if there are more explainations, It is overall a good source but the only thing I suggest is adding a chat option with the professor. Also useful for looking at examples of code for lab assignments and projects. I get to the end and feel like all I've learned is how to do math. Fast and interactive way of learning. I actually enjoyed most of the zybooks activities, challenges, and explanations. It provided an intuitive system for extended education beyond the traditional in-class lectures. It is pretty useful for learning ans studying, but sometimes the assignments on here are over material we never really went over. If there was any implementation of highlighting things that are wrong, or when hovering over a variable it gives you info about it, like Microsoft VS does, that would help immensely. This is the correct approach to learning in my opinion. Very interesting to see an interactive part as the centerpiece of instruction, Usually turned to zybooks for clarifications from my other lectures. Easily 10x better than a standard text book, mainly due to interactive examples and exercises. All playback participation activities. I really like the way one can visualize the processes instead of looking at static images. The activities really helped with the understanding of the topics. The educational content is good. I am enjoying the material except zyBooks is terrible. Unique to my education experience and appreciated. I found the graphics extremely helpful in understanding how everything interacts in an operating system. I've really enjoyed doing the activities as I learn. to long and need to be able to go back to the previous easier and better named, helped me learn better than just reading my textbook. Imagine paying $50 to have access to a book for a limited amount of time when i can find practice problems and references online. dinnington high school alumni. and had specific due dates for chapters (still not bad!) And monitoring students progress is an excellent instructor tool. I am using another textbook for this course as well and I find the other book to be more straightforward. zyBooks Unit 3.pdf - 3.1 While loops While loop: Basics Instructors utilize zyBooks to know students' learning activities on the platform. What proof is there that zyBooks actually help students learn more? I like print material, it would help me to have one, with the quiz answers listed in an appendix. Zybooks is great because it does not expect you to know anything about programming. However, submitting autograded code was a pain sometimes, forcing me to wait a couple minutes between each upload because the code wasn't exactly how Zybooks wanted. It explained things in a fun and descriptive way as well. Zybooks really helped me understand the course material for this class. How good is the zyBooks eBook for C programming? - Quora zyBooks is a good way to learn coding due to its step by step nature. I think it is very helpful and easy to follow. I just got done reading their "how to guide" and it provided a lot of thorough steps. I also like how the instructors can automatically check you progress which makes the grading process easier. For a computer programming course, this works wonders! ZyBooks packages the lessons very neatly and is easy to understand. Overall experience is great! These tools can also be used in an enjoyable way in class to decrease the temptation to . zyBooks is a comprehensive online learning platform. Terms of Use Privacy DMCA Notification Policy 2021 zyBooks. I enjoy the progress bar and the participation question that allow multiple tries, It lessens the stress of getting it right the first time for a 100% grade. I like the organization, I like the fact that it can be linked to Canvas, I like the detailed steps explaining each process before the challenge problems, I like the way problems become incrementally harder, I like how the hints provided for wrong answers steer you towards the correct answer without revealing what it is. The lessons were also super engaging because there were interactive parts dispersed throughout each reading. Zybooks is a great interactive textbook. I like how the activities reinforce the reading material. The chapters would show how to read a string or add one item to a dictionary but would never show how to read over multiple. zybooks detects cheating. So we strive to scaffold tasks, provide hints, create auto-generated problems with solutions, and more, to complement help from instructors, so we can keep students learning and reduce frustration. I am retaking a Computer Science class that I took last year and failed. I would suggest prompting the survey later in the learning as it will provide more value-added responses from learners versus premature opinions, such as mine. I think it is helpful for me to understand. I like the setup. zyBooks Touts 'Less Text, More Action' I liked examples of code and found them very useful. Covered the topics well with visualization, text, and activities. Practice problems along side book are quite helpful. At first I thought having to pay for a book for coding was really dumb since almost all information is available on the internet anyway and my class already has a structure and planning but honestly zyBooks did help nail down some concepts but what it did most was let me see things in different forms then what my instructor did and that gave me a better understanding of how things work and better let me form my own system and ideas on how to format and use code. Learn more here. Interactive assignments within the text, easy to understand instructions. It's a decent software that helps you learn the material most of the time. I appreciate the interactive nature of zyBooks. Zybook is a very easy to use, instructional book which can give a lot of information in a short amount of time. I learn well through it. zyBooks assignments really helped me understand the material I was learning because of its interactive aspects. Very helpful videos and illustrations when learning complicated Data Structures programs. It's just like any other text book except a bit more interactive. I love how you guys explain the problem by pictures and gifs. With these submitted assignments, I was able to better correlate what I actually learned in class with real world usage. Being able to refer back to Zybooks sections was really helpful for my understanding in class. I really like everything about it. The labs were also fun! It is easy to learn with and work through questions with. As a beginner, I have found it teaches me at a great pace and combines reading with practice well. I do wish that there were examples for the activity questions at the bottom of each section, perhaps just a more formal example. By accepting all cookies, you agree to our use of cookies to deliver and maintain our services and site, improve the quality of Reddit, personalize Reddit content and advertising, and measure the effectiveness of advertising. Its about the same as a book rental; a scam. And that's worrying, because there's a lot of really good free resources avaliable on the internet. Argentina. I love zyBooks but it can be hit or miss with some courses. It presents the material in an easy to understand way and looking back on the assignments is a great way to review material for tests. I think that zyBooks is a very good tool for learning how to code for people that put the time into it. I think it is a great way to learn coding concepts in particular! I like how learning activities are integrated into the text so I can apply the knowledge as I am learning it. Our class was flipped, so this is how we learned new material. Allowed me to be better prepared for lecture and tests. I am enjoying the material except zyBooks is terrible. It costs too much money and should be available always. I like that there are challenges and that we are able to at least understand the. I took this class the previous semester, and for the entire time, I really just had no idea what was going on in terms of how I could implement what I had learned in class to solve a problem. I was able to learn about the program in class which then translated nicely to zyBooks because I was able to apply what I already knew while gaining an even better understanding through the reading and labs. Zybooks are well organized, but some of the click-through demonstrations are boring, so I end up not paying attention. Driving the engine behind zyBooks are instructors who know that students learn by doing. I thought zybooks gave me a good concrete way of understanding new topics and let me see a lot of examples of new topics being used. By being shorter sections it sometimes trades off some depth for much quicker intake of the material. I did enjoy how I could search zybooks content. Zybooks provided good simplified information that supplemented the lectures. They are very informational and the example pictures of code along with the challenge problems are helpful with understanding syntax and actually formatting the code. I heavily rely on zybooks for learning to code, and it has not only been a great learning tool, but it is also a resource I find myself very often turning back to when problem solving in programming. It is a good way to learn certain topics without getting too detailed in the explanations. It was convenient to use, it complemented my web and technologies course very well. There is some things that may not be taught the same format for coding in the zyBook. They help me understand things better. over simplifies the concepts and the graphic things are too slow, Easy to use learning platform, and the challenge activities can help students learn better. Zybooks is a very concise place to get information but sometimes the explanations are too densely written. So far, I like it because it's very straight forward. Well done. I was very pleasantly surprised! It requires "just right" code input which is absolutely not applicable in the real world, where there are many ways to solve the same problem. I've never had an issue when using zyBooks. zyBooks is very helpful and convenient. I wish it could have audio explaining things sometimes, as I am an auditory learner. I didn't actually have a problem with zyBooks itself, but I didn't like that we were doing the class in C because I don't really have a use it for in my degree (applied math). It is far superior to _____. I can't figure out where this extra whitespace is and how to get rid of it. More useful that the actual class and an easy way to learn. Very easy to interact with, great material. This fall, I'm taking a similar programming class at the university I'm transferring to and I'm 99% sure it's going to be in python. ZyBooks interactive features like animations to help visualize key concepts, learning questions which are presented in different formats, and the many tools with minimal text are very beneficial to build skill and intuition. Bad meme aside, it's been an extremely helpful and coincidental tool once my instructor strictly transitioned to online learning during the COVID-19 pandemic. $75 after the fact as a pop up "oh were gonna use this " is probably the most annoying thing, considering as a college student we pay for literally everything even existing is expensive so 75 dollars plus tax was the icing on top really. It is a great way to learn content. I am learning a lot of new things! They help me grasp the concepts taught in the book.

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zybooks is bad