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susan venables pictures IN their interviews with the two boys, psychiatrists could find no clues to why the boys acted so violently. He would go to bed. Shame? There was a pattern of bullying, with the older boys picking on their younger brothers down the line. Tweet. It was when Jon turned seven that Susan and the children had relocated to Norris Green, one of Liverpools larger, more reputable areas. "He fell over," was the response. The judge, in sentencing the boys yesterday, voiced his strong suspicion that exposure to violent videos had played a strong part in corrupting them. The base of the dock floor at Preston Crown Court had to be raised 18 inches so each boy could see over it. His mother was not so keen on the idea - they cost pounds 35 each. But after a year they let Ian out again. Neighbors later reported that it wasnt uncommon for Robert to be seen wandering the streets of Walton after midnight, since he was always running off at night. 'I was the softie,' Neil Venables said. The couple, who are living together again after a partial separation, said their feelings towards Jon had not changed despite the terrible crime. He had an elder brother, aged 13, and a nine-year-old sister. An Egret looking for his dinner! - Aswan, Egypt | Bird pictures, Aswan Denise Fergus remains convinced both will always be a danger to children. Grainy CCTV footage shows them walking James away from the Strand . Mrs Thompson worked as an office cleaner until two years ago, when she got pregnant again by another man, who also left her. TWO BOYS. But apart from his brother, Robert struggled to build friendships. Take him home, the officer would say to her. She got her drinking under control and began giving her murderer son the attention he. But viewers were shocked when experts "defended" the 10-year-old murderers saying they made "an awful mistake". The street in which Robert lived was not untypical: a row of terraced bay windowed houses that stretched from the railway line back towards the city. Lady Penelope was his favourite character because she was rich, followed by Brains with the glasses. The only sign he was discomforted by hearing it was a near constant pulling of his tongue in his hands. Jon had to be pulled off the boy, who had gone red in the face, by a teacher who described the incident as the worst case of school violence she had witnessed. One of Anns sons claimed that Ann, too, had beaten them with sticks, and had struck one of the boys with a cane. Its beyond me," one viewer tweeted. Can Nigeria's election result be overturned? Teachers hold placards as they shout slogans while taking part in a protest organised in Manchester as part of a national strike day. . Revealed: The horror drawing by Jon Venables weeks before he killed One of the new works by Banksy, appears to show a 1950s housewife, wearing a classic blue pinny and yellow washing up gloves, with a swollen eye and a missing tooth seemingly shoving her male partner into a chest freezer, the piece is set on a white wall backdrop in Kent. They went on family outings together, slept together, and when Susan did find a place, virtually coexisted between the two homes. 'I don't know,' he replied. sons, were settled in council houses within easy reach of the institutions where their sons were being held. ROBERT had a reputation in the neighbourhood for being a troublemaker. 'The attitude when you live where we live is that you have to be tough or else you don't survive,' she said. To widespread dismay and condemnation from the Bulger family, the killers were given new identities, courtesy of the taxpayer. They probably weren't out to kill someone, but they were probably out to ruin someone else's happiness. I didnt connect the dots until much later on. Lock him in it.'. It has already been reported that Jon Venables real identity has been exposed in prison, where he is said to be receiving 24-hour protection. I used to get them for myself at night time. Jon's parents said they talked to their son about James after he was arrested, but had to stop. Shed never been back but she clearly missed Liverpool and had tried to recreate the city in her new home, he recalls. They had much in common. and things like that is that he was frightened. Occasionally, when the children would be left sitting on the red wall outside the house too long, one of the neighbours would call the police to go and get her out of the Top House. Unemployment levels were more than twice the national average in Walton. It emerged that the Venables family had suffered the same fate in another area. Drivers have been warned to leave extra time for their Monday morning commute due to icy roads during rush hour, following a weekend of wintry weather. He didn't want to hurt James. The abduction and brutal murder of this two-year-old by Robert Thompson and Jon Venables, who were just 10 at the time, prompted a conversation in Britain that we are still having today. So he came home. Venables parents were divorced but still lived within a stones throw of one another and were both involved in their sons upbringing. She was a happy baby, much happier than her eldest brother had been, but as she grew older, Susan began noticing that she, too, appeared lazy, and was not as advanced as Jon. Venables, who was said to have been subjected to regular beatings by his mother Susan, titled the drawing 'My Dads house'. The prosecution, led by Richard Henriques QC, made its case quite simply really, using the journey they took James on to tell the story. 'Provided you have no court orders for debts already,' the man on the phone would add helpfully. When shop keepers asked what they were doing they would pretend they were waiting for their mum. 'I didn't know it would be like this,' Mr Venables said with hindsight. qu fy. Birds. "Contrary to what the papers will tell you, he is not a little urchin boy. UK news in pictures 15 February 2023. Facebook gives people the power. "It was very dark and I shouted down, shouted his name. He also liked to scare old ladies by jumping out in front of their noses. Neil had been laid off in the months prior, so the couple sold their home, and Neil moved back in with his father, before finally relocating to an apartment in Kirkdale. Liked by susan venables. Heck, we don't even have murderers that young in New York.'. It is just heartbreaking.". He was fearful, he was weak and he was provoked. Ann Thompson and Susan and Neil Venables didn't need to imagine. When they finally came to a disused railway track near the police station, the murderous duo tortured James, throwing stones and bricks at the baby, and kicking and stamping on him before finally dropping a heavy iron bar on to the defenceless tot. She said an educational psychologist had diagnosed hyperactivity in her son, who was bullied at his previous school. Boy A - Robert Thompson - was the shorter and more rounded of the two. "It is hard to take in really. The atmosphere in the courtroom was oppressive as the tension of a month was about to break. He was a loyal fan, though he did not go often to Goodison Park. fn ye vw la. 'I walked round for a couple of hours trying to find them. One time they sagged off with Robert's younger brother, which went disastrously wrong. By now, Robert had also stepped comfortably into the role of the aggressor, and, following in the footsteps of his elder brothers, began tormenting his eight-year-old brother on a daily basis. He was given a new name, a job and a flat on his release to try to ensure his security . Most people would regard such sentiments as having come rather late in the day and certainly too late to save poor James. Will you tell his Mum Im sorry?. Susan Venables Profiles | Facebook The family was already exhaustingly overextended, and Robert, being the fifth edition, was quick to pick up on the coping mechanisms needed to survive in a life of unremitting chaos and enmity. . James' mother Denise believes they should have remained in jail for life and has tirelessly campaigned against their rights to anonymity. It was a sign of such restlessness that he was unable to hang on to a football team for long - he kept shifting his allegiance like a floating voter. He began telling his father that he believed his parents loved his brother and sister more than they did him, and, at one point, implored his father to send him to school with his siblings. Just as Venables's confession convicted him, a shoe print belonging to Robert Thompson, found on James cheekbone, confirmed his guilt, too. The questioning was calm, steady, even playful at the beginning to try to get a sense the two boys really did know the difference between right and wrong. Mrs Venables walked around the area for hours, searching for him. He wanted a Rovers strip for his birthday present. While Robert was described as a wily child, known to tell lies, most of the St. Marys school staff agreed that the boy posed little trouble, and, if and when he attended, was generally well-mannered during class. Join Facebook to connect with Susan Venables and others you may know. Robert had eaten too many and felt sick. By chance, the rest of Jon's family was driving past and spotted them. His mother especially has been a tower of strength, says the source. For his parents, the fact they were children was actually a cause for hope at that point. Best of all, they would spend time on the Walton railway line where Robert had built a den close to the bridge. Maybe it was that incident that put the idea into Jon or Robbie's head to 'get a little boy lost'. Robert is not believed to have reoffended - Venables has been convicted twice since being set free. At first, Robert seemed to respond well to this, taking the initiative to help feed and clothe the baby, and doing what he could to please his mother. The first Susan Venables knew they had stayed away from school was when she saw one of Jon's classmates on her way home with the gerbils. The days James was abducted, February 12 1993, I was a young reporter in my home city of Liverpool. He was also given 'respite care' - six weekly weekend breaks to relieve the family of the burden of looking after him. Thompson & Venebales. Neil Venables regarded himself as the Barry Norman of Merseyside - a film buff with a penchant for horror. Robert said 'If you tell anybody I'll get my big brother to batter you up'. In contrast he has had no contact with his father despite an approach soon after sentencing. Last November he was arrested and recalled to jail on suspicion of possession of images of child sex abuse. [3] [4] Thompson and Venables led Bulger away . . In March 2010, Venables was recalled to prison for downloading and distributing more than 100 images of child abuse. It set the tone for the years ahead in which there was to be no respite from the hatred. Truanting, or 'sagging off', had become a way of life for Robert. Between January and the day of the murder Robert had absconded 37 half days out of a possible 60 . In the autumn term of 1992, Robert played truant for 49 half days and Jon for 40. The Swedes, French, Germans, Canadian and Americans had all come to gaze at Liverpool's child killers. The best instincts led hundreds, including me, to lay flowers a few days later at the site of James horrific end. Yet, even while Susan admitted to being under huge emotional strain on a daily basis, the couple later denied that her constant hysterics would have encroached on Jon in any way, considering he was still in infancy at the time. He gets upset. This would have made little Robert the target of the fourth Thompson brother, who, in less than a years time, had confessed to arson, tried to stab his elder brother in a fit of rage, and had allegedly committed a lewd act against two small children (this incident was overlooked due to lack of evidence; however, because it was always considered a likely possibility that little Robert had been the victim of sexual abuse himself, and since Robert reportedly confirmed this years later, this occurrence involving his elder brother might be thought particularly revealing). View the profiles of people named Susan Venables. Sorry, we are unable to accept comments about this article at the moment. The old wood panelled courtroom is small. Read about our approach to external linking. Meanwhile, Thompson has not re-offended since his release, and is believed to be in a long-term relationship with a man who knows who he really is. On Monday night's documentary, Robert Thompson's solicitor Dominic Lloyd said: "Many years after the trial a juror said 'we found them guilty of murder but we didn't have the option to find them guilty of being two very bewildered and frightened little boys who made an awful mistake and need a lot of help'.". Jon Venables is demonstrably no such thing. 'I can't read hard words,' he said. I have lost my son as well. For a start, there were only three children, of whom Jon was the middle. ", Her husband, Neil, said: "If you had a league table of children, you would put him at the bottom of the list for anything like this.". Were they to blame? Jon Venables arrived at Walton St. Marys Church of England School a disrupted and attention-seeking boy, whose behavior was so bizarre at times that one of his teachers considered him to be emotionally unstable. The breaking point came when Jon was suspended from Broad Square after attempting to choke a classmate with a twelve-inch wooden ruler. Ultimately, wanting to escape the havoc, most of the boys opted to leave home, and some were placed into voluntary care at Dysons Hall, a childrens home just outside of Liverpool. 'They were just your average scruff - like the rest of us.'. Or by navigating to the user icon in the top right. "'It wasnt fair to interview him. Without anyone in the family to turn to for support, he had to look outside for people whose swaggering aggression he could emulate. His mother, Susan, attributed this behavior with peer pressure and hyperactivity, and put him on a special diet, though it did nothing to quell his frequent emotional outbursts. The most startling moment of the trial came when, in lieu of giving evidence in person, the boys' taped interviews with police - recorded just after their arrest - were played in court. He was in great distress' And what about the little, innocent boy he killed??! xf fy.

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