harry styles astrology predictionsharry styles astrology predictions

Your roots, heritage, culture, ancestry, is up for a deeper dig and closer look this year. Not many answers. A moment. Makes you wonder if there was foul play involved and these two men were permanently taken out of the picture. There was a time when someone who predicted a plague (in Jessicas case, Covid) would have been burned at the stake. He obviously has him or her on speed dial. This all feels quite artful and deliberate to me. And then the military disclosures? Dont know if you will be able to publish this. This is all going somewhere, and the astrology suggests a split over the monarch their Supreme Governor. As John Lennon sang, Gimme Some Truth. I am also curious about the purchase of the latest splendid home, again from Russian connections. There are others in the Diana camp who may have an open chequebook. This is important. Hi Jessica The pen is yet again handed to the Queen, who shakes her head. The taxation and finance cycles dont begin (for him) until July 2023. Another separate issue is the US-UK Special Relationship which is being fractured thanks to this bizarre artificial war manufactured online. Diana had a bad feeling that day in the restaurant, she sensed something was wrong, the driver etc. The website englishhistory.net says that Mary Boleyn was the sister of King Henry VIIIs second wife, the infamous Anne Boleyn. Thank you. The strain is there from March 2023, for both of them. On the discussion of Anne Boleyn, I read somewhere that Princess Diana was related to Annes sister Mary Boleyn through her father Earl Johnny Spencers family. She was divorced. Prince Harry and his father were said to be in Istanbul April 24&25 2015 for Gallipoli centenary commemoration. The Tarot can help with guidance on this Cancer-Capricorn axis transit. What we see in March has not happened since the time of Henry VIII, Queen Mary and Queen Elizabeth. Thank you. Harry had no way of knowing that the Queen would pass when she did, and I think he would have released the documentary and the book regardless. I also believe that Meghan was pregnant with both. One astrologist told me once that she had never seen a chart like mine Unfortunately I wasnt able to know why I do feel quite unusual and its getting worse as I get older I dont know if Harry has found something out or been told something but he does seem to have turned on his family. I was born in the 60s and still remember the negative press coverage against Fergie, Duchess of York. Cant wait for them to get divorced and H to go back to England. So is this thread of comments and information being shared. And it certainly does not explain why the celebrated house of Givenchy delivered a bridesmaid dress to Princess Charlotte, that did not fit. Im more inclined to recall the astounding royal career of Henry VIIIs maternal grandfather, Edward IV. Ive not looked at the chart for the Queen Mother for a long time, but it is on my list of things to do. With that in mind I stumbled across this article. Thank you. And your responses are so generous and detailed. The rules on primogeniture were changed (too late for Anne) but perhaps they can and will go further. Ive never heard about it until this week when one of the biggest newspapers here in Sweden wrote about it opening in Stockholm ,and how the rich and famous wanted to join it. This is going to be a tremendous territorial divide of world leadership, particularly in respect of those leaders children, successors or dynasties. We also have and still do share our love of astrology so naturally (only having their sun signs to follow) we believed that this was a match made in heaven. This line of thought leads me to the person who claims to be the son of Charles, Simon Charles Dorante-Day, living in Australia. Mercury is in Capricorn the sign ruling the men at the top so Charles is one of them. It is part of Harry and Meghans form, to disrupt. Harrys chart lines up with the Russian chart. I just looked at Lambeth Palace on the internetand went on the site A Monument of Fame about the archives (and physically archiving) of the Lamberth Palace Library. In fact it seems to do more damage to Harry than the Royal family in my opinion. Shes rather good at global alerts. You truly stand out from all the other astrologers. The family didnt know about it, for quite a while. He was also the first author to expose J Edgar Hoovers misdemeanors, and of course, exposed the Marilyn Monroe/Kennedy affairs. Queen Mary had it repaired and altered so the original hanging pearls could be interchanged for 15 of Queen Marys emeralds so it could be worn 3 ways. Repercussions possibly for both subsequent weddings if any truth in it?? The latest report (in last 24 hours) This comment puts things in perspective. They added the Church of England was disqualified as their historic Mother Church.. Sounds like helpful traits for a leader of people. I hope Im not being presumptuous when I say that I know Jessica quite well, she would never write in anger; there is not a bone in her that is mean or angry. Hi Jessica, The astrology has been clear for a while that there would be renovations or a new home in store for Harry and Meghan, so I guess thats the next step after the end of Frogmore. The Firm has been pushed into the 21st century and like any business, may want to reconsider the flawed idea of handing the reins over based on birth order and gender. And yet it so often proves correct. Start as they mean to go on, given that Henry VIII founded the Church of England on divorce. I woke up this morning to find out Harry has been served by Samantha Markle to attend a deposition under oath in a lawsuit against her sister. Specify the coordinates of the birth location. On a purely personal level, I think it would be lovely for Charles and Camilla to have had a child, but I realise there are huge ramifications if that is proved to be so. I recently came across an article that M is a project of the Chinese special services, it was a retelling of an interview with a retired employee. He really needs to get a good lawyer. Beyond the lucrative financial rewards, there is a powerful psychological motive. Astrologers reading this will see many more difficult patterns in the Prince Harry chart on opening day at the conference. The world of billionaires and little black books, Russian oligarchs and super yachts does not last. (The White House was also rocked in the date given; impeachment proceedings began against Donald Trump). This all feels so much bigger than a mere shock book. The bridesmaid dresses not fitting is another good example of this kind of disruption. I adore reading the content provided on your site, thanks always! Prince William and the Duchess of Cambridge walked into a very difficult situation, didnt they! As to the end game, I am afraid there is something very dark here. We are picking up the same signals on different television antennae, around the world. Eagle-eyed Charles appeared very much to notice, and Charlotte was not with the other bridesmaids on the procession out of the church, but left hand-in-hand with Catherine. Spirit people have a choice to remain close to us if they need to and many do. This is far too precious for the current shenanigans. No H/Hs other relatives can be angels and W is the bad guy (to which H/H wants a connection, an apology, how about the other way around?) Prince Harry and Meghan were obviously told the name of the emerald tiara but it doesnt make the book. Thank you for reminding me of that Hitler quote about the Queen Mother. I still hold to the idea that the couple had a secret marriage. So this is bigger than the Princess of Wales and her wardrobe or the Duchess of Sussex, come to that. Archie, the baby who was born into what the pair fondly call Archewell, is part of the saga, isnt he? ITV and Sixty Minutes botched it. We are fortunate indeed to have you to put it all in its astrological context. You also mentioned that things will change during and after March and had members any predictions. Thoughts on this? Not that they arent corrupt like all other MSM. The Church of Englands rules are: marriage can only happen with two witnesses present. And lastly one of Williams names is Arthur. In the interests of brevity, (Im trying for it!) From what I have read in the press it all seems to be filled with either information that was basically already known and just confirmed (King Charles wasnt the best father) or petty details (the lip gloss incident with Kate). This goes back to the ancient war between Roman Catholics and Anglicans, doesnt it. Is is possible that Charles could be the father of one or both of Camillas children born in 1974 and 1978, he is the godfather to her eldest? At the Thanksgiving service for the Queens Jubilee. On a personal level I feel for him and the absolute betrayal he must be feeling. I also just heard from my colleague Kyra Oser who is one of the most respected psychics and mediums in the world, based in Canada. . This includes the children; the future monarchs of tomorrow. There is no way you can miss the Royal Family pictures, souvenirs, magazines and news if you stay in London not even for a day. Pluto in Capricorn (and entering Aquarius) in the final week of March 2023 will end the system as we knew it. I cannot wait until March to see what happens. Maybe his American father figure? Happy New Year to you and thank you for keeping this blog going. And so to Meghan, Harry, and the eclipse timing of this photo shoot. The Queen is being shown an ancient piece of parchment. Thank you Julie. Further timeline for discussions appear to be march /April ( prior to the coordination date). People are being quite naive about Harry, Meghan and Spare. You must think there is probably a plot.. It is not far from where we live but it is out of the way somewhat. There must be so many counsellors, psychologists and therapists questioning the advice that has led him to pursue the media and publishing in this way. I can feel echoes across history. We may lie with our words, but our bodies are not wired to do so and will betray us. You are solely responsible for what you post. It does indeed show a journey. And so to another Leo eclipse in the series: near January 14th 2019 in Birkenhead. The verdict on Diana was an unlawful killing in the end. Really fascinating stuff! Hi Jessica, The timing of Spare on Mercury Retrograde in Capricorn and Mars Retrograde in Gemini is typical of books which are uncorrected first editions, so the second edition will be quite different. Knowing about Harrys PTSD I can maybe see why. This was just before the Duke died (God rest his soul too). I think that the Archbishop of Canterbury should just retire. I had no idea. Oh dear. H & M legal marriage certificate is the day of the big wedding. Dear Jessica, reading your comments its become a little clearer to me as to why Harry and Meghan are attacking the British monarchy so avidly, despite using their titles and clinging on to the Royal Familys coattails. If so, standard advice is to get in the well of the car. I think thats called a hypocrite! I see that the king has been quite naughty involving himself politically with Rishi Sunaks attempt to resolve the issues, once and for all with the Northern Ireland Protocol. Not to worry, as I imagine you will apply your critical and psychic blowtorch. When its good, its brilliant when its bad, its awful. I havent seen or heard anything of Meg? And it really is manufactured, all the better to divide and conquer which is a really old, old military tactic. Look at Samoa and China. These transits are a perfect storm in the ancient chart for the Church of England (its birth chart) but also Charles III. Is there an issue with Soho House, globally and our security as allies? I have learnt to believe that whatever you say always comes true. Please God that he will somehow survive this and build a new life where he is in control. What is justice? The predominance of Air signs in your chart favours and amplifies your taste for relations and for all kinds of short trips, whether real (travels) or symbolic (new ideas, mind speculations). Well, Julie, he has been well and truly snookered with two children to support so they have him in a corner, financially. Looking at Harrys natal chart, the publishing program will run until 2026, and being a Penguin Random House author myself (having been published by the same two men Harry thanks the marvellous Bill Scott-Kerr and Larry Finlay) I have to say not just sequels, but a paperback mass-market edition with unseen photographs and a new bombshell for the front page. May you live in interesting times as they say. As she does so, everyone disappears and she is left balancing on the pinpoint of the triangular mountain while a giant eagle circles menacingly above her head. This Russian friend of US entertainment king David Foster (who has been described as an American father figure to Harry) is Yuri Milner, once linked by The New York Times in 2017 to the Kremlin. He has Mars at 16 Sagittarius. In it he details an argument with William (news flash sibling argue) that became physical. Michelle. Will this be with Harry or someone new? Why were documents sealed? Nostradamus is open to interpretation and the last king prediction is something I disagree with, having read the 16th century edition. Spare itself is of course a storyboard with all those Neptune transits sweeping Harrys chart, and transits to his natal Neptune. The Church of England is pursuing the idea of a female God at the General Synod. Harrys chart suggested a new home or heavily renovated home when I first began this story. I cant be the only person to consider that the scandalous events that dogged the royal family in 1992 were not mere accidents of fate- that it was more than a colossal coincidence that the photographs of John Bryan and the Duchess of York just happened to be taken and released worldwide a matter of days before the Squidgy Tapes hit the headlines. I am adding here that tell-all-books backfire at some point. Once you see the geopolitics and the financials, the new battle front of Australia in this manufactured online feud becomes nice and clear. Best to you, Cecelia, Ah, thanks Cecelia. Anyone with a podium should inform herself. I am sure you know that in the play, a woman thought she was going mad, as her husband was secretly playing with the gas lights in their home. For her part, Meghan and her mother spent the night before the wedding at Cliveden. Each shape they produce has a different meaning. Thank you for your dedication! I would be interested on the possibility of any of this happening. It is always about extreme system change for royalty. (Claude, un assumed name, is a high-powered French businessman I am close to in real life and with whom I have had many extraordinary and revealing conversations of both a mystical and future-orientated nature.) I know youre getting a lot of comments regarding this feature, it never is boring when it comes to the Royal Family, is it. Certainly give their security team a headache. Well I never. Progress. I note that in the ITV interview Prince Harry was not asked about the two homes. Thanks. Linda also says quote: Literally, a married couple with gas fittings which are interfered with. I am.not into royalty and such matters, but one aspect has been consistently absurd for me..the question of Harrys fathers identity. It is saying I am carrying a future royal. Eclipses are always cover-ups. There may also be very good reasons why you are fed up. Read a report that $950 dollar a seat tickets to Hs BetterUp talk in March have allegedly barely sold a third of seats for his section. The Archbishop at that time was Thomas Cranmer, who was much a politician as a member of the clergy. Thanks so much for such a detailed reply. Hi Jessica The astrology says, no. Honestly, when I wrote you I was in the past, thinking of the 2007 realizations of my fathers will which closed years later in 2018. Okey dokey. In this search, I for one appreciate being corrected. Or, was the all emeralds tiara the Greville Emerald Kokoshnik Tiara? Thats what these astrology charts show. Also Cardinal Wolsey (on Henry 8s orders) broke off the engagement between Anne Boleyn and Lord Henry (Harry) Percy of Northumberland. Leo is always about heirs, spares and pretenders to the throne. March will be very interesting indeed.

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harry styles astrology predictions