dextran hydrodynamic radiusdextran hydrodynamic radius

Dextran (DX) is one type of EPS synthesized by LAB in the presence of sucrose (R g), radius of hydrodynamic (R h), polymer conformation parameter ( = R g /R h), intrinsic viscosity ([]), Mark-Houwink coefficient () and branching degree of DXs of RPYs prepared under different conditions. 1994, 95-0355. Castellanos Gil, E. E.; Iraizoz Colarte, A.; El Ghzaoui, A.; Durand, D.; Delarbre, J.L. Macromolecules, 29, 2265-2268. In vivo iontophoretic delivery of salmon calcitonin across microporated skin. The equation 4 can be rearranged and resulted in a modified M-H equation as follows: where the value qM-H is the polydispersity correction factor, and it is a statistical function of the molecular weight distribution. Dextran. Hydrodynamic The micropores were developed on pig skin and human cadaver skin with dermal and epidermal layers by the microporation device. Table 2 compares the properties of nanoparticles coated with one or other polymer. Drug Deliv Syst. In contrast to linear chains, power law behavior is observed only asymptotically at large Mv. Pavlov, G.M. Analytical Chemistry. What is hydrodynamic radius Gums and stabilisers for the Food Industry, 5, 447-450. Barrier integrity was examined using Tewameter to confirm the poration of human cadaver skin using a microporation device. A sugar cane native dextran as an innovative functional excipient for the development of pharmaceutical tablets. There is a deviation from linearity after 580kDa [69, 70]. The Hydrodynamic Radii of Macromolecules and Their Effect on Red Blood Cell Aggregation. Hydrodynamic Properties of Tragacanthin. For 40 kDa molecules, the hydrodynamic diameter d h ~8 nm is much smaller than the collagen mesh size [33,41]. Not for use in diagnostic procedures. Amersham Biosciences, AA Edition, Determination of intrinsic viscosities of macromolecules and nanoparticles. Immediately after 2, 5, and 10 times microporations, 97.1432.39, 80.5715.51, and 82.3916.49m sizes of micropores were formed on the skin, respectively. Jeanes, A.; Haynes, W.C.; C. Wilham, A.; Rankin, J.C; Melvin, E.H.; Austin, M. J.; Cluskey, J. E.; Fisher, B.E. 24h after microporation, the pore sizes reduced from 64.8817.20m (0h) to 48.854.27m (24h), and the pore depths reduced from 83.9120.56m (0h) to 63.9527.61m (24h). Dextrans and their derivatives find an interest in clinical applications, as well as excipients in tablets in the pharmaceutical industry [5]. PubMedGoogle Scholar. If there are particles in the sample, the incident laser light gets scattered in all directions. (2003). Micropores are produced by the arrangement of microelectrodes on the skin at precise dimensions, then RF energy generated by alternating currents induces ionic vibrations between electrodes with positive or negative charges. Effect of temperature on the intrinsic viscosity and conformation of chitosan in dilute HCl solution. This situation is mainly the result of using dextans, solvent, additives, etc. If plotted for all molecular weights, the double logarithm of [] and Mw, the value of a obtained in all cases shows a value smaller than 0.5, which reports that dextran macromolecule has a degree of hyperbranched with increasing molecular weight and increases much for higher Mw (< 200kDa) which making the application of M-H method more difficult. The Principle of the Suspended Level: Applications to the Measurement of Viscosity and Other Properties of Liquids. Carbohydrate Polymers 87, 405-410. Curvale, R.; Masuelli, M.; Perez Padilla, A. These results are in agreement with a previous study which suggested that the microporation using radiofrequency causes disruption of the SC, enabling the percutaneous permeation of the FITC-dextran [21]. The Mark-Houwink parameters is calculated molecular weights range from 8.8 to 200kDa. Webdextran hydrodynamic radius. (2007). J. Braz. For 40 kDa molecules, the hydrodynamic diameter dh ~8 nm is much smaller than the collagen mesh size [ 33, 41 ]. @ Nilimesh See attached. Structural and biocompatibility properties of dextran from The 70-kDa FITC dextran reached the jejunum after 15 min and passed the entire small intestine within 1 h after its administration, demonstrating that 4-kDa FITC 2011;16(2):518. In a good solvent, a temperature increase results in an intrinsic viscosity decrease and in a less-extended conformation (RH<), because the entropy value increases with an increase in temperature and it is unfavorable for an extended conformation. Unperturbed dimensions and theta temperature of dextran in aqueous solutions. Polyelectrolytes as secondary calibration standards for aqueous SEC. Carbohydrate Polymers, 39, 377-380. Polymers | Free Full-Text | Confinement-Induced Fractionation and WebThe invention relates to novel fluorescent dyes with multiple negatively charged groups in their ionized form which are 9-aminoacridines or 1-aminopyrene shaving of one of the fol The molecular weight and Simha number do not change in this temperature range (Mw from 8.8-200kDa), P slightly change, showing modifications in the hydrodynamic properties of the biopolymer in aqueous solution as [] and RH. Dextrans can function efficiently as anterograde or retrograde tracers, 2009;6(4):34354. Carbohydrate Polymers, 74, 372-378. MeSH terms To confirm the extent of skin damage and regeneration after microporation, porations were performed 2, 5, and 10 times. ; Prasad, D.H.L. Recent Pat. 2019;26(1):25261. Hydrodynamic radii ( RH) were determined by dynamic light scattering. Webprotein hydrodynamic radius was observed with increasing protein concentration (in the range 0.25-2 mM) in both the absence and presence of 8 M urea. As intrinsic viscosity of dextrans decreases with an increase in solution temperature; chain flexibility enhances with an increase in temperature (see Table 4) showing that the intrinsic viscosity of dextran (with different molecular weights Mw from 8.8 to 200kDa) decreases linearly with an temperature increase in solution, but change to high molecular weight to hyperbranched macromolecule. (1969). Measurements were made with a Ubbelohde C type suspended level viscometer [57] (IVA, Argentina); with a diameter capillary of 0.81mm and water draining time of 35.89s at 20C, with viscometer constant of 0.027883 mm2/s [58]. Mitragotri S. Mechanical disruption of skin barrier for vaccine delivery. Department of Biomedical-Chemical Engineering, The Catholic University of Korea, 43 Jibong-ro Wonmi-gu, Bucheon-si, Gyeonggi-do, 14662, Republic of Korea, LG electronics, 19 Yangjae-daero 11-gil, Seocho-gu, Seoul, 06772, Republic of Korea, You can also search for this author in Alternatively, the value of qM-H can be calculated using numerical methods and other-average molecular weights (Mn, Mw, Mz) according to where c and d are empirical polynomial functions of the exponent a. The Solomon-Ciuta single-point method is used for calculating dextran intrinsic viscosity and the error relative is calculated, and %RE respect to Huggins method is >4.18% for 2000kDa, and >2.06% for 8.8kDa (Table 2). Molecular weight (M v) and hydrodynamic properties can be calculated from there. European Polymer Journal, 42, 1086-1092. Kuge Takashi; Kimie Kobayashi; Shinichi Kitamura; Hiroshi Tanahashi. Rotureau, E.; Dellacherie, E.; Durand, A. For Research Use Only. These studies on Mark-Houwink parameters are usually carried out at a given temperature, obtaining a consistent result but in a very limited temperature range [68]. The Mark-Houwink parameters indicate the dependence with temperature (T) in the range from 20 to 50C, ie with increasing T a increases and kM-H decreases. WebFITC Products. In fact, short chains do contain minor branching points. Figure 2 shows the classical method for calculating Mark-Houwink parameters, where a linear relation between the intrinsic viscosity and the molecular weight is established for each temperature. Here we have the hydrodynamic radius estimate for the 3kDa dextran and 1.5 kDa dextran by the Zetasizer calculator, thanks to Alan. Alan F Rawle, t Rheology of dextran solutions. TEWL measurements were taken to assess the integrity of the skin barrier and the extent of SC disruption. Article In this work, the human cadaver skin was treated to confirm the skin regeneration after the application of the microporation device. The important role of thermodynamic interaction parameter in the determination of theta temperature, dextran/water system. Huang S, Huang G. Preparation and drug delivery of dextran-drug complex. The study of biopolymers as dextran in aqueous solution, is effectively determined by intrinsic viscosity [] measurements at different temperatures. Pharm Res. ; Tsuchiya, H.M.; Rist, C.E. California Privacy Statement, ; Talsma, H.; Hennink, W.E. The proportionality between []0 and M0.5 is obtained as a limiting law for the no draining regime. Radiofrequency with microneedling. Human cadaver skin has been confirmed as alive skin tissue through analysis of its morphology and enzymes, and its usefulness as an alternative skin membrane in drug permeation experiments has been verified [20]. 20K groups (n=3, *: p<0.05, **: p<0.01). Data File Dextran. Progress in Biophysical Molecules Biological, 68, 207-262. 2012;9(2):14754. (2008). ; Patel, T.R. European Polymer Journal, 43, 1744-1753. Springer Nature remains neutral with regard to jurisdictional claims in published maps and institutional affiliations. Table 3 shows the intrinsic viscosity for the rest of the dextrans obtained by using the single-point method, measured at different temperatures. However, in vitro investigations are very few. Trop J Pharm Res. Dextran molecular size and degree of branching as a function of sucrose concentration, pH, and temperature of reaction of. Analytes and stationary phase with Universal Calibration Relative Measurement Concentration and MW detector: RI + Viscometer Relationship between hydrodynamic volume (MW*intrinsic viscosity) and elution volume Multiple detection Progress in Polymer Science, 30, 38-70. 43-1, 115-147. (1987). To improve drug permeability, micropore ablation using RF is performed by passing an alternating electrical current through the skin at a frequency higher than 100kHz. Probiotics Antimicrob Proteins. Formul. The exponent a is a function of polymer geometry, and varies from 0.5 to 2 and exponent is dimensionless. Hi Sir Alexander Malm , Thank you very much! Really appreciate your help! Ionic Polymers Based on Dextran: Hydrodynamic Properties in Aqueous Solution and Solvent Mixtures. Proc of SPIE. Barshtein, G.; Tamir, I.; Yedgar, S. (1998). Quintanilla-Pineda M, Achou CG, Daz J, Gutirrez-Falcon A, Bravo M, Herrera-Muoz JI, Pea-Navarro N, Alvarado C, Ibaez FC, Marzo F. Foods. ; Yevlampieva N.P. 2018;1:10915. Dear Sir. Alan F Rawle , Can you help me in calculating the size of dextran 4 (molecular weight= 4000) and dextran 10 (molecular weight 10,000)? Th Fluorescent and Biotinylated DextransSection 14.5 II. Accueil; Solution; Tarif; PRO; Mon compte; France; Accueil; Solution; Tarif; PRO; Mon compte ; Wood, P.J. Harding, Stephen E. (2005). Dextran theta temperature between 43.14 and 44.44C for all the range of molecular weights explains the deviation at 45 and 50C [36, 37]. Macromolecules, 33, 5730-5739. This is because the macromolecule hydrodynamic radius changes the solution type and temperature via change in their chain exibility. FOIA Degrees of long-chain branching in dextrans. These studies were again focused on investigating the hydrodynamic properties of the polymer molecules, their hydrodynamic radius in relation to their radius of gyration and the coherence of the simulation results with polymer theory. Journal of Pharmaceutical and Biomedical Analysis, 41, 1260-1267. Fluorescent dextran (2013). Polymers | Free Full-Text | Confinement-Induced Fractionation and Chem. Where f0 is the frictional coefficient of a sphere having the same hydrodynamic (hydrated or solvated) volume V as the particle. The slope is a value and intercept is equal to the ln kMH value [47]. For a values from 0-0.5 a rigid sphere is predicted in a ideal solvent, from 0.5-0.8 a random coil in good solvent, and from 0.8-2 a rigid or rod like shape is expected (stiff chain). The Mark-Houwink a constant is close to 0.75 (or higher) for these good solvents. Disclaimer. International Journal of Pharmaceutics, 277, 99-104. Experimental Review on Intrinsic Viscosity Measurements and Temperature Effect. Static and Dynamic Light-Scattering Solution Behavior of Pullulan and Dextran in Comparison. The most widely applied coatings for FDA-approved SPIONs are dextran and carboxydextran. Figure4 shows the histological analysis of micropores in human cadaver skin. In the case of the work performed in references [34, 35, 36] they studied using the number average molecular weight, which rearranges the value of a and forces it to enter into unbranched or linear molecules, on the other hand, if molecular weights are used the value would be less than 0.5. Dynamic light scattering study confirmed the mono-disperse nature of dextran with hydrodynamic radius of 900 nm. 2004;25(9):155967. Microporation was performed 2, 5, and 10 times on each sample. 2012;3(1):208. The dextran was chosen as another branched polysaccharide which, like the others was suspected to show hyperbranched behavior. 2018 Aug 9;23(8):1984. doi: 10.3390/molecules23081984. (2008). Thus, it is a common practice to express the frictional coefficient of rigid structures as. Transdermal delivery of FITC-Dextrans with different molecular weights using radiofrequency microporation,,, Carbohydr Polym. Transdermal drug delivery is an attractive alternative that addresses the limitations of oral and parenteral routes of drug administration; it enables controlled release and long-term systemic drug delivery through the skin, avoids hepatic first-pass effect, avoids gastrointestinal drug degradation, reduces discomfort and trauma resulting from hypodermic injections, and prevents safety hazards associated with dangerous medical waste from needles [1, 2]. 2005;304(1):27486. Fractional thermolysis by bipolar radiofrequency facilitates cutaneous delivery of peptide and siRNA with minor loss of barrier function. sharing sensitive information, make sure youre on a federal Synthesis and characterization of blue dextrans The correct way to interpret what Mark-Houwink parameters is determined graphically ln [] versus ln Mw, where Mw is the molecular weight provided by manufacturer, and calculate the percentage relative error (%RE) respect to Mw. Journal of Physical Chemistry, 58(11), 953-957. Antoniou, E.; Buitrago, C. F.; Tsianou, M.; Alexandridis, P. (2010). Figure3 shows a magnified image of human cadaver skin with microchannels formed by the microporation device (250kHz) and the skin closure over time. 2013, Article ID 360239, pp. 113, 81-86. The lower molecular weight of FITC-dextran permeated more on both human and pig skin. Carbohydrate Polymers, 36, 319-326. TdB Labs produce a wide range of FITC-derivatives (490 nm/520 nm) with a mean molecular weight ranging from 4 kDa to 2000 kDa. They concluded that a power law behavior seems to be approached only in the small molecular weight region. The micropores of the human cadaver skin were regenerated according to the time. Kloster, C.; Bica C.; Rochas C.; Samios, D.; Geissler, E. (2000). Epub 2017 Jun 1. Actually, everything depends on solvent you want to use and temperature. If you want to know gyration (Rg)or hydrodynamic (Rh) radius, you should "Dextrans in Aqueous Solution. At the same temperature, the hydrodynamic radius and the intrinsic viscosity are higher for different molecular weights, while these properties decrease with an increase of temperature at the same molecular weight (Figure 1). Dextran Carbohydrate Polymers 72, 356-360. The column was eluted with bidestilled water a flow rate of 0.8 ml/min, injection 5L, back pressure 200psi. Structural and biocompatibility properties of dextran from J. Braz. Recent Pat Drug Deliv Formul. Although, intrinsic viscosity is a molecular parameter that can be interpreted in terms of molecular conformation, it does not offer as high resolution on molecular structure as other methods such as Light Scattering, Circular Dichroism, Sedimentation Velocity, Sedimentation Equilibrium, Size Exclusion Chromatography Coupled to Multi-Angle Laser Light Scattering (SEC-MALLS), High-performance Size Exclusion Chromatography (HPSEC), Gel Permeation Chromatography (GPC), NMR, X-rays, etc. (2003). Viscotek GmbH, Europe. Viet, D.; Beck-Candanedo, S.; Gray D. G. (2008). Rissmann R, Oudshoorn MHM, Hennink WE, Ponec M, Bouwstra JA. MeSH Molecular weight, molecular weight distribution and molecular size of a native dextran. European. The (a/b) value is 2.5 which confirms that dextran in aqueous solution is a biopolymer with a spherical conformation for an Mw range from 8.8 to 200kDa, and with tendency to compaction with increasing temperature (RH decreases). ; Ortega, A.; Garcia de la Torre, J.; Harding, S.E. Biodegradable dextran hydrogels crosslinked by stereocomplex formation for the controlled release of pharmaceutical proteins. Figure5 shows the cumulative amount of the FITC-dextran (M.W. Webdextran fraction and the final product depend on changes in the hydrodynamic volume of the molecules after substitution. High Manufacturing Standards of Molecular Probes Dextrans. eCollection 2015. IV. (2006). The Intrinsic Viscosity of Biological Macromolecules. Radiofrequency ablation of malignant liver tumors. Hydrodynamic properties, such as the intrinsic viscosity, [], and equilibrium solution properties such as the hydrodynamic radius RH can be combined to construct dimensionless quantities that are universal since they are of being independent of the macromolecular particle size, while they depend more or less sensitively on its shape [51]. Challenges in analysis of high-molar mass dextrans: Comparison of HPSEC, AsFlFFF and DOSY NMR spectroscopy. Bose, A.; Rollings, J. E.; Caruthers, J. M.; Okos, M. R.; Tsao, T. G. (1982). dextran hydrodynamic radius. ; Rani, K.Y. Doke SK, Dhawale SC. When applied to adherent cell cultures, the APGD-t is capable of inducing temporary cell permeabilization. This study was supported by the LG Electronics. Food Sci Biotechnol. Therefore, the trend of "a" and kM-H decreases with T, where the presence of ethylene glycol or dimethylsulfoxide strongly changes the interactions of this solvent with the macromolecule. 7 8 At 25C both values of a and kM-H are within the range reported by [3, 8, 16]. dextran hydrodynamic radius. It has been found that, when applied to water treatment, it can effectively act on refractory organic matter in wastewater through thermal decomposition and water molecular action to produce free Biomater Res 24, 22 (2020). 10% neutral buffered formalin was purchased from Hisko (Gunpo, Korea). Journal of Controlled Release, 119, 5-24. The temperature increment can induce a macromolecule compaction (decreases in RH and []), generating by this way, a greater difficult to flowing due at requires an increase of energy consumption (Eavf<). Morris, G.A. Hennink, W.E. Advances in Physical Chemistry, Vol. 2023 BioMed Central Ltd unless otherwise stated. Privacy Comparison of single-point and dilution procedures. Harding, S. E.; Varum, K.; Stoke B.; Smidsrod, O. Journal of Applied Polymer Science, 72, 871-876. Microporation techniques for enhanced delivery of therapeutic agents. The human skins were from the back or thigh of a 24-year-old woman. 4D imaging reveals mechanisms of clay-carbon protection and Optical properties of dextran in solution and in films. In the case of a poor solvent, a temperature increase causes an increase in entropy and intrinsic viscosity and is favorable for the extended conformation. Clipboard, Search History, and several other advanced features are temporarily unavailable. dextran European Polymer Journal, 37, 619-622. Front Microbiol. Unauthorized use of these marks is strictly prohibited. Pig skins (Micropig Franz cell membrane) were supplied by Medi Kinetics Co., Ltd. (Pyeongtaek, Korea). Table 2 shows that comparing the intrinsic viscosity data obtained from the Huggins method and the Solomon-Ciuta single-point method, a similar values are obtained and the %RE is lower for low Mw and it increases for higher Mw. The qM-H values given by equation 13, these vary from 0.9993 to 0.9841 for the range between 8.8 to 200kDa in a temperature range of 20 to 40C. These hydrodynamic parameters show that these polysaccharides behave as a compact rigid sphere and contract by the increase of temperature (RH decreases) for the Mw range from 8.8 to 200kDa. Carbohydrate Polymers, 68, 477-488. Its Invariancy with Respect to the Cross-Sectional Dimensions of Polymer Chains. The Mark-Houwink a constant is close to 0.5 in poor solvents. ; van Nostrum, C.F. National Library of Medicine The effect of branching is best recognized from the molecular weight dependencies of []. dextran hydrodynamic radius Before (2012). WebThomas Gutberlet works at Jlich Centre for Neutron Science (JCNS-2), Forsch and is well known for Lipoteichoic Acid, Neutron Reflectometry and Neutron Reflectivity. 4K and M.W. In addition, we evaluated the regeneration of SC after microporation. The .gov means its official. The molecular weight of dextran samples can be obtained by a variety of methods including light scattering, HPLC/SEC, sedimentation, osmometry and end-group analysis. The skins were from the abdomen of a 39-year-old caucasian woman (BMI: 24). dextran hydrodynamic radius In general, Mv is not experimentally accessible, whereas other average molecular weights are accessible. Polymer molecular weight distribution. Gekko, K. (1971). These results indicate that healing and regeneration occurred in the human cadaver skin after the microporation. Pure Appl. Markiertes Dextran wird hufig per Mikroinjektion in die Zellen eingebracht. Changes in the Mark-Houwink hydrodynamic volume of chitosan molecules in solutions of different organic acids, at different temperatures and ionic strengths. Weissella: An Emerging Bacterium with Promising Health Benefits. Study of temperature influence. DOI: 10.12691/jpbpc-1-1-3, Received September 18, 2013; Revised October 23, 2013; Accepted November 22, 2013. 2018 Jan;184(1):1-11. doi: 10.1007/s12010-017-2522-4. 2009;8(2):1739. a Immediately after microporation, b 4h, c 8h, and d 24h (n=5, *: p<0.05). A simple and rapid method for evaluation of MarkHouwinkSaturada constants of linear random coil polysaccharides using molecular weight and intrinsic viscosity determined by high performance size exclusin chromatography: application to guar galactomannan. Human cadaver skins (fresh human full-thickness skin disc, 12~20mm) were supplied by Biopredic International (Saint-Grgoire, France). 4K was 10.611.68 and 13.440.18M in human and pig skin, respectively. The author thanks Universidad Nacional de San Luis (Project 2-81/11), FONCyT (PICT 2004-N23-2548 and PICT 2008-N21-84), and CONICET (PIP 6324 Res. The parameters of Mark-Houwink for polymers can vary with the polymer solution and temperature. Structural characterization of a new dextran with a low degree of branching produced by Leuconostoc mesenteroides FT045B dextransucrase. Kirkland, J. J.; Dilks, C. H.; Rementer, S. W. (1992). The flattening of the curves at higher molecular weight is in agreement with an increased branching density. Transdermal delivery of FITC-Dextrans with different molecular weights using radiofrequency microporation. The M-H equation is empirical and valid for monodisperse polymers, and it is applied to biomacromolecules (complex, hyperbranched, crosslink), taking the precaution of comparing the value of Mv with the polydispersity index (qM-H). WebHydrodyamic Radius, R H: In addition to the analytic size of a linear (C=1) chain, the end to end distance, R eted or R 0, and the structural size, the radius or gyration, R g, dynamic measurements yield a size called the hydrodynamic radius, R H. Consider a rod particle of length L=10R where R is the radius.

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dextran hydrodynamic radius