I just got a letter this morning for my journey dated 05/09/2015, but only for one way. Then input your postcode to find the nearest payment centre.Find your nearest Payzone retailer here. And will they accept we will not pay the penalty. On the 24th June 2019 I received a Penalty Charge Notice from Dart Charge, including the bold, all caps text 'DO NOT IGNORE'. I think lawyers should step in and file a case against them. Vehicle hire company said we dont know where you work, or what roads you use. Would I still get the 14 days grace as this isnt the first time Ive used it but is my first offence? After travelling on French motorways where a payment system is in place that caters for regular and occasional users, I can confirm that for the latter, the system is vastly superior in every respect to the system you now operate. 8. Oh Yippee. A charge certificate will be issued if payment is not made within 28 days. there was chaos when we went through the tunnel northbound as a vehicle was causing a hazard in one tunnel. Do you know where the leglislation says that they can enforce the deadline of midnight the next day? Despite my willingness to pay, all my attempts failed and a simple slip of memory has cost me dear. I have never driven through the Dartford crossing as I do not even know where it is!! Your email address will not be published. Hello Can you scan (photograph) the PCN and send it to me on pete@aph.com? All content is available under the Open Government Licence v3.0, except where otherwise stated, St John's Offices, Albion Street, Leeds, United Kingdom, LS2 8LQ, Registered in England and Wales, No 08703645. The lower penalty is calculated 14 days from day crossing or from day getting somme official letter about fine? How will they collect the fees from foreign drivers. Dart Charge Penalty Charge Notice (PCN) PDF, 1.65 MB, 2 pages This file may not be suitable for users of assistive technology. Hi -The 14-day period is from when the penalty charge is sent out so you should be fine. Civil servants, such as mps get expenses for everything to do with travel and yet they serve the public? I would try now and wait and see. This could leave them open to fines because it has been reported that the smartphone-based payment system cannot handle foreign credit cards. Any driver hoping to make a note is therefore forced to do so whilst driving, which must surely amount to the commission of a motoring offence (driving without due care and attention). With your consent MoneyNerd may pass you on to a trusted debt counselling company or insolvency practitioner. I wonder if there is a glitch, I have returned the pcn with copy of payment receipt so just waiting for reply. feedback
If it was your first offence, you will be given 14 days to pay the original toll and avoid the fine. We advise you to pay the Dart Charge penalty within 14 days to reduce the cost of the fine to 35. The people using taxes for military use, to go to war and kill innocent civilians, men, women and children they are the criminals. Thanks. Ive replayed on the form giving details but this was rejected. What computer are they using on the system, A sinclair spectrum . You should be given a 14-day reprieve on the first crossing at least. Save - Print Your document is ready! Why is not possible to provide an information panel and a direct payment point? Did not pay on our 1st crossing. See my comments below. Come on England, surely they are other decent ways of collecting money, not an overnight or midnight practice!!! Was it the first offence? It seems the recognition SW cannot easily distinguish 1 and I on some number plates. I did call them to day trying to explain but they wanted the plate number when I dont have. Hope youre feeling better now. Ken. What can I do? Do you know where the leglislation says that they can enforce the deadline of midnight the next day? Always remember anyone can post on the MSE forums, so it can be very different from our opinion. Where is the harm, loss and damage? Just received a penalty notice for a crossing I made on 08.06.15 even though I had paid 5 for this crossing & one on 05.06.15 This was paid prior to the journey on 25.05.15. (3) We dont want an account as we might only use the crossing maybe 6 times a year. Would a payzone accept my payment now or should I just wait and see? My wife sent the letter to me in Spain where I was holidaying and I paid the 35 that day. After this I completely forgot about not paying, I have just remembered. On the 17th I checked on line and found I had paid 5 but been charged only 2.50 for a single crossing. Pay both ways: It might sound obvious, but dont forget that payment is due for each crossing you make both on your outward and return journey. If this is the first time you have forgotten to pay, then you will get a chance to pay within 14 days of a notice being sent to you. How do i deal with this situation? 9.00am i tried on line twice with 2 different cards, then i called direct line to be told the system is down and they cannot take any payments, this is just stupid, i am worrying myself sick that i will be charged more, i need your help asap. I do want to pay, but was not aware of the strict timeline and penalties. Yes, you can. I called them up and they said to write to them explaining my circumstances which I did. This system has to be one of the worst conceived forms of moronism in whole government. Surely, they cant accept the payment and still issue a fine? This is the cheapest way to pay, with registered cars costing 2 per crossing compared with the new price of 2.50 for those who pay in other ways.Set up a new pre-pay account here Change an existing Dart Tag account. No prices, no method of payment, no official guidance. Now, today, nearly 11 months later I have had a PCN for 107.50. In the last year, I have paid over 600 for the cost of a 5.00 return journey in my car which I thought I had initially paid via mobile. (1) We are not 100% sure which vehicle we will be using, or we might even use the bike. I can only pay you by Thursday when I am back home, in Belgium. Really worrying that they tried to charge you this amount. Lloyds would pay the UK Govt taxes on their profit for this sum so I decided this year to none renew my business with the UK. Simply paying when you get back should be okay for a first offence. 9. Was in a non fault accident, paid 250 excess, other driver has lied and didnt pay a penny as its a company lorry. While on holiday in France, I read that first time users of the crossing were being given 14 days to pay in view of the unsatisfactory arrangements for collecting payments (source http://www.bbc.co.uk/news/uk-england-30633955): We have paid (so as not to incur further fines) but are disputing it. Sorry to hear that. Its easy to forget if you only use the crossing once in a while and it is very unfair to refuse to take payment before the fine has been issued. Anyone had the same situation and recommend next course of action? Who voted for the idiots who make these decisions? Hope the trip was good otherwise. I used the Dartford tunnel on 14 October and have just realised I didnt pay! So where does the money go from collecting these extortionate fines? 4. My husband forgot to pay the charge until 2 hrs after the midnight deadline its his first time. We charged an admin fee each time. , but my credit card has been debited. Yes. What happens if I have a fine? - Europcar Penalty for failing to do so is up to 1,000. This allows them to pay the original charge rather than the full fine. 425 to release it because of unpaid Dart charge. If you are not aware that there is a contact being offered then how can you have agreed to the contract to cross for payment? Dart charge fine after 3 months MoneySavingExpert Forum By chance, I have today found the relevant information on the web. He claimed this was sent to me on the 3rd of Feb. , and email your request to info@highwaysengland.co.uk. What is being done by the highways agency to address this scam I have just returned home to find a fine for when I crossed on 17/04/2015 If you do not pay the Dart Charge by midnight the day after using the Dartford Crossing, a Penalty Charge Notice will be issued. I paid for a return journey. I have been hours going back through credit card and bank statements as I was sure I had made payment. In the first month alone, potential fines amounted to 21 million. Please, I need your help. Dart Charge Enforcement - Bailiff Advice Online We had money in hand ready to pay at booth but saw no booths or barriers so assumed toll had been dropped. How to appeal: Challenge the penalty by contacting the issuing authority within 28 days of the notice being served. I think this scheme needs a rethink. Julie Dart who was murderd by Michael Sams. Your stock number is shown on the top left of the birth certificate, common stock or preferred asset, either way you will have something they can draw from. Im getting very annoyed as it is proving impossible to prepay for a crossing..Terry. I had by accident misspelled the vehicle registration number (just realized when looking at the details of the payment receipt) and got a penalty notice in the post. My other half and I used the tunnel last year October time as we moved address and was on our way to IKEA. Pay penalty charge - Dart Charge - GOV.UK Received a response within minutes saying they would reconcile the late payment towards the crossing and cancel the PCN. They are not getting a penny more from meit might even be a scam. Would you be willing to share more details about it? I also received their email payment confirm receipt for the Eur 3.61. Beat late payment of the Dartford Crossing charge. It is a crazy system and amounts to Highway Robbery but they do seem reasonable if you talk to them. The company that runs the crossing are just a bunch of con-artists. I drove back from Ipswich on 10 June there was a major accident and I queued for 2.5 hours once the traffic got going I just continued on my journey. If you dont pay, they send you a Toll Payment Notice, which costs you 5 NZD. Dartford Crossing - Dart Charge Cost, Late Payment & Fine Im also very annoyed with, given all the revenue that this system is making the proprietors of the bridge, why cant an automated email be sent to vehicle owners that are registered with Dart Charge? Your system is so flawed that it requires first time users to experience a completely unreasonable amount of time, effort and stress to let us remind ourselves pay a bridge toll. For it to be successful, you need appropriate grounds for appealing. (Last journey 2011) content.edgar-online.com I was issued the charge and a 35 fine but it gave me 14 days grace to pay the charge where I wouldnt have to pay the fine. It was over two weeks ago I made a fleeting visit and the signs are appalling. I didnt open an account just made a one-off payment. I keep returning to sender yet they still come.? Hi this has happened to me too. It is owned by a French company so everyone beware or simply drive round the other-side of the M25 where possible. If you appeal within 14 days of receiving the fine and your challenge is rejected, you may only have to pay 50% of the fine. Instead they have 10 of my money ( I paid for 4 trips in error!) I have no issue in paying the normal crossing fee. Dont know if it is worth paying for it online? So is this official HA policy? I would rather pay double for my mistake (or your mistake) is hard to say who the error, we of the continent how do we know that you have to pay a toll if there are no clear signs or warning lights. Help - ** RESOLVED ** . Extraordinary Popular Delusions Since I was calling from SPAIN, yes SPAIN, at whatever extortionate amount my provider was charging, the call was probably more than the crossing. I made a return crossing (first ever crossing) on 7/9/15 and completely forgot to pay by midnight the following day. Weve had a similar notice for a first offence. Im told, nicely , that if its my 1st offence ,often they only ask for the 2.50. Check your bank account when you think a payment has been taken twice when you used the Dart charge. Very poor signage and lack of information for those who are crossing for the first time. I then heard nothing from them until now when I received a final notice of rejection stating I should have known about the charges and my fine has increased to 70. Changed to Dart Charge but was assured that we could still use the Tags for any hired vehicles we were using. Did you get anywhere with this as i am in the exact same situation. At home I read a lot and many things about the payment and I needed a lot of time (no good English) I will tray to pay tomorrow and for the next time: can I pay in shops all over the UK with the sign payzone? This is the first time that I have forgotten but Im worried I may of paid too late and a letter may already be on its way to me. Once you receive the PCN, head to the gov.uk website [1] where you will be required to enter the Penalty Charge Notice number and your vehicle registration number. I used the crossing on 26th May and totally forgot to pay ( 1st time ever crossing it). Make sure you keep a record of making the payment. If you believe you should not have been issued a penalty charge notice, you can challenge it by
It is free to use the crossing between 22:00 and 06:00. Just another trick to try and get your money. Hello I would certainly appeal on the grounds you could not have resonably been expected to pay on time. East Midlands Airport Meet & Greet Parking, Click here for further information on starting your appeal to the independent adjudicator, https://www.gov.uk/pay-dartford-crossing-charge, Bristol Airport Drop-off & Pick Up Charges, Stansted Airport Drop-off & Pick up Charges, https://www.aph.com/community/holidays/dartford-crossing-new-charging-system-explained/#appeal, CustomerService@dartford-crossing-charge.service.gov.uk, http://www.bbc.co.uk/news/uk-england-30633955. THIS MUST BE CHANGED. which is also a disproportionate amount of money. Its the best option in your situation. Just keep following through pages. This is no longer the case. Is there anyway you can type in the reg number and it tells you if you missed a payment ect? A real mess that needs sorting out though. Like previous posters, we too were caught out by the change, having the same experience of approaching the barriers coins in hand and then passing through without being stopped for payment. If the Dart Charge Penalty Charge Notice isn't paid within 28 days of the offence, then a Charge Certificate is sent and the fine will . Hi If the penalty was your first offence you should still be offered the opportunity to pay the original 2.50 (if in a car) charge. The hire car company should have payed the 2.50 and charge you 38 (a steep 36 service charge). I do recognise that has a recent history of making another slightly late payment, but there is no evidence that Dart Charge took that into account when actually issuing this PCN. NOT a happy bunny! I paid 2.50 for the 05/09/15 then called customer services to ensure that i do not have anything further to pay. If you treat people like this and do you expect them to treat others!! You can choose to pay the fee in advance before crossing so that the system detects your payment and doesn't take further action or pay after crossing. I have just paid online the 5, and I have never been caught out on not paying before do you think I will still receive a fine? so AFTER 21 DAY from the date written on the notification 19 Dec 2015 !!! The C logo is one of the tricks designed to catch out foreign and non regular users. For some FPNs you can get penalty points, for example if you leave your car in a dangerous position. The first hotel did not provide WiFi and so I was unable to search online. but their response will be within 40 and 50 days so I really dont know what to do now. I have used the crossing several times and remembered to pay later that day but forgot one time and remembered 3 days later. Since it was in a hire car, I have no idea if anyone using this car has missed previous payments and thus whether any 14-day extension will be granted. Are these extenuating circumstances? In total, 37,751 penalty charge notices (PCNs) were challenged and 30,521 of those were accepted by Highways England. I rang to pay first the first thing the following morning but they refused to apply the payment against those crossings and said we would receive a fine. You will then be asked to pay the PCN. I just phoned them (0330 300 0120) and explained that I didnt have a clue there was a toll in operation as there were no signs or toll booths. You have the right to get an independent adjudicator involved if the authority rejects your appeal against a Dart penalty charge. However, before the bailiffs can be instructed, the following statutory enforcement documents must be sent to you. I see it is run by Sanef, same as the French Toll roads, might it not be an idea to allow folk who have one to use the the Sanef sensor. The Highways Agency has changed the way drivers pay to use the Dartford Crossing (Dart Charge) and drivers no longer pay at the barriers, instead they pay in advance or by midnight the day after the crossing. The driver of the vehicle went over the Dartford crossing without being aware of the dart charge. It seems ridiculous you can be fining people nearly 5 months after the offence. Ive asked them to roll back the charge or wave it on the basis of a first offence, I have no idea if they will but its worth a shot. How can you expect less tech-savvy foreigners or with a poor grasp of the english language to understand any of this? Just to give you an impression of why I perceive of these regulations and timelines as too strict and unfair, I would like to point out how the road toll is handled in Auckland, New Zealand, where I travelled this spring. Now I just have sent an appeal to the EPCPLC and also to the Traffic Penalty Tribunal On Dart tag website it will tell you to prepay at 100s stores often the open all hours type. At least they were civil. With my best wishes for always evading the Penalty Voodoo. I went to London last 11th and I returned on 12th, Ive forgotten to pay both. 6. I just assumed that as there were no booths that theyd finally seen sense and dropped the charge. Hit the i button and choose remind me at a location4. Dart Charge - CDER Group What hope do we have. Any truth in the rumour that PCN is Latin for: More Cash for George???????? Thanks and regards from the disperate Italian vacationer (family included). I believe its wisely to pay 20 per year for unlimited crossings, rather than spending gallons of fuel going some other routs. It is a fact that, given the effort I made to try and pay the toll, the PCN is being issued because I did not have internet access, not because I was unwilling to make the effort to pay. You should have a good chance of success. Why not give all motorists a fair chance of understanding what to do? Hopefully that is the end of that. Id already been sent a PCB when I forgot to pay the first or second time I went through over Christmas, and paid the 2.50 then, so as my second fine I assume Im going to be hit with a 35 fee on top of 2.50 charge. I have a slightly different issue, I went through the tunnel on the 19th February but knowing I had to pay I set up an account when I arrived in Essex. 2. I have never used this road before (live in Devon) and as there are no toll booths and I hadnt a clue what it entailed. If you pay for your Dartford Crossing online, you should check your bank account to ensure you werent charged twice. The last time I crossed, I noticed the big C on the road, which I had seen in London. He then said no you paid on the 8th of Feb for a crossing on the 1st of feb. when i advised this was incorrect he said that the fine is for non payment on the 1st of Feb. i advised quite clearly his letter stated the 8th of Feb and i had never recieved anything regarding the 1st Feb. Surely there must be a limit as there would be for a speeding fine by the police. Penalty Charge Notice for Paying Dart Charge too late - is the fee fair Sorry to hear that. Fair enough to expect Brits to pre-pay, but how is this to work for tourists????? How to pay penalty without any letter to do? I have two pieces of paper are un envelope one with pcn dated 24/09/15 with charges but other explains pcn charges but says you can just pay 2.50 within 14days from issue date and all pcn charges will be cancelled. Hi, Ive just paid for my crossing twice for Sunday 19th April 2015, will I get penalised for this absent mindedness? Challenge a penalty charge notice Enter postcode of the tunnel or your destination where you can pay. I stopped at Maidstone Services and Toddington, both within an hours drive of the crossing. The government removed the toll booths to prevent bottlenecks from building up. We're all paying the penalty for the new Dart Charge system Once I got to France, my phone would not work at all except on WiFi, and so I was unable to search online. My immediate concern is I too forgot a few months ago, but paid within a few days and subsequently found out first time offenders have 14 days grace. I live up north too and there are 10 in my area so no excuses. Sorry to hear about the problems. Let me explain, Not only did I save 50 on fees, I also won and, With an airtight appeal you could avoid paying anything, Car Finance Debt New 2023 Laws & Your Rights, Council Tax Debt New 2022 Laws & Your Rights, Credit Card Debt Options to Clear Your Debt, Reducing Your Debt What Are Your Options? This is awful :( There were no signs saying to pay on the internet or by phone or anything or id have seen it. I dont have any problem paying the toll charge itself. Signing up will also extend the time you have to pay from midnight the following day to seven days after using the crossing. Remembered 10 days later so went on website and made a one off payment of 5. He said: Rather than directing drivers to the official payment website, the signs invite users to use Google. I was rather surprised traveling in a hired car from a funeral in Ipswich to Gatwick that there was no toll on the tunnel. I phoned Dart Charge and was told that actually there was a third penalty to be issued for another day. Dart Charge Penalty Notice - what you DON'T know! - Blogger This will be a local council PCN, which is received on the spot. The system seems to be extremely clogged. So I paid the 5 return charge around 4:30am, so four and a half hours late, and hoped for the best. i.e. Plus, it provides information on the time and date of the crossing. Hi Not sure if my last reply worked, but go here for info and a link to the appeal page. Will I be ok? Dart Charge - Notice of Enforcement but no PCN or other notices received Of course I do. Glad I stumbled across this, I was very confused with the set up, and thought the sign was to do with congestion charges. (4) If you have a Santander bank account it is a nightmare trying to use their credit card on line, I would use AMEX but gov.uk dont accept them. See the section above for more details, or join up here. Imaging the outcry if this had happened to poor British drivers in France ;). My friend had a dart account so paid for it there and then for the 8th of Feb crossing. Where Dart Charge accepted payment, and the result was an unpaid crossing for which it was intended, they are not entitled to hold that on account of a future crossing. www.paydartcharge.co.uk appears at the top of the Google search Appearing at the top of Google's search ranking means less online savvy Dartford Crossing users could be paying too much. Is there a process to sue the Dartford Crossing for the cost of having to challenge their mistakes in sending wrongful PCNs? Chiedo se possibile un rimborso e una risposta. Well why cant we have 14days to pay . I will contact those responsible and clarify this one. This is quite a common oversight. Had to telephone instead! My bank statement shows that I did pay. Welcome to England !! they hadnt sent the penalty letter for the return journey or the other journey i made in July. Penalty Charge Notice Sent to Old Address even after ontime DVLA - RAC If I do (which I hope I dont) can I appeal it since I paid, albeit 8 days too late?.. Me.. but Im going on holiday and that will take me over the 14 days cant I just pay now? We often link to other websites, but we can't be responsible for their content. With a freedom of information request confirming more than 80% of appeals were accepted by Highways England in the first six months of the new system, its clear problems go far beyond mis-reading number plates. When I asked why would I pay 5.00 for a return trip instead of just 3.00 for a single trip the operator told me that she thought I had just paid them extra!!!!!! :( Thank you. Please find enclosed evidence to this effect, in the form of [give details and why it backs up your case]. It is set up for you to fail. The Dart Charge website is the simplest way to pay. We will be contacting more the Agency and looking for assurances that signage will improve.
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