arthur and mary beth fanfictionarthur and mary beth fanfiction

At some point prior to 1899, Mary-Beth got into trouble when she stole watches and wallets from several men. Sean was like the annoying younger brother to Arthur. In many ways, Red Dead Redemption 2 is more or less a character study of Arthur. This took me two months to write LOL But in the end, Im very pleased with how it turned out. An indication of how much his relationship with John has evolved. ArthurXAbigailXJohn love triangle. Stepney, named after a district in London, is a tank engine who lives and works on the North Western Railway. Arthur would often engage in polite conversation with Strauss and would save him in Valentine when he, along with John, were held at gunpoint by Leviticus Cornwall's men. I can guess. Karen smirks, glances to the other side of camp where their horses are tethered. Abigail had to know if this was Arthur seeing how useless John was and just taking pity on her and Jack, or if he was feeling the same way she had been lately. Drunk Arthur And Mary-Beth | Red Dead Redemption 2 #rdr2 # - YouTube Both Arthur and Charles were disgusted by Dutchs influence on Eagle Flies to get him to attack the U.S. Army which would compromise the safety on the Wapiti Tribe. He stepped cautiously along, barefoot, and murmuring to himself. While Sadie stayed silent during this, she expressly displayed grief at Arthur's decision to go back to confront the gang instead of escaping with her and Abigail. After helping Archibald MacGregor destroy a distillery in the Bayou, Dutch asked Arthur if he wanted to race back to camp. While Arthur's tuberculosis is on the mend, he finds he has unfortunately developed a nasty case of PTSD from his brush with death. He will tell her how Arthur saved his life and that he thinks about him everyday, in response, she also reveals that she, too, thinks about Arthur a lot, showing how much she cares and respects Arthur before, and after, his death. When Kieran invites Arthur on a fishing trip he opens up about his past and reveals that his parents died from cholera when he was young and ended up joining the O'Driscoll Boys, albeit reluctantly. Wont go into any discussion, too much spoilers. Whos my good girl? However, Arthurs distrust of Micah Bell and hismanipulative nature towards Dutch, as well as Dutch's changing personality, would eventuallylead to some friction. He also gains new relationships throughout his journey. If the player has high honor, Micah will instead leave Arthur to die. I thought Mary Linton was a good person. Arthur left a big impact on Sadie and she was grateful for his efforts to help her, as well as the Marston family. RDR2 Preferences and Oneshots - Mary-beth x reader - Wattpad She revealed that she had given him to Angelo Bronte in Saint Denis. Like, just walking by one of the campfires and hearing you play Javiers guitar and singing to yourself or if in a group setting hearing you sing along to one of the songs they sing at camp or something like that. After being tortured by Colm o'driscoll, Arthur gets back to camp. Early on in the story Pearson complains that there isn't enough meat to feed the camp and will ask Arthur, and Charles, to go hunting in order to get the necessary food. on Tumblr I can guess. Karen smirks, glances to the other side of camp where their horses are tethered. Been teaching Jack how to use a hammer today, his journal read. At camp Abigail doesn't come up to Arthur to engage in any conversations. This page takes a look at Arthur's various relationship from the perspective of high honor and with Arthur agreeing to help all the characters he meets, as the game pushes you in this direction and is, as a result, the most likely experiences players will have when playing this game. When theyre done and hes tidied his clothes again, Dutch Van der Linde touches her shoulder with a smile and says, Wed be pleased to have your company, Miss Roberts., John's head isn't in the right place. If not thats totally okay!! Arthur and Pearson are very friendly towards each other. At camp Arthur cannot really have pleasant interactions with Micah and no matter what the player does, every conversation devolves into sarcastic disputes between the two. The fire crackles at his feet, glowing orange across his dark boots and spitting sparks into the darkening sky. At camp Javier doesn't go up to Arthur for random conversations. Isaac was born from a relationship Arthur had with a waitress named Eliza. Enraged over Hosea's death, Arthur and the gang proceed to kill several Pinkertons before escaping. To cope, he goes to live on a Big Valley cattle ranch owned by Jackson and Victoria Linton, two of Mary Linton's descendants. Dutch convincesEagle Flies to attack Cornwalls oil factory, forcing Rains Fall to arrive at the gang's hideout and convince Arthur and his friends to stop Eagles Flies from being killed, whilst inadvertently revealing to Dutch and Micah that Arthur has been aiding Rains Fall without theirknowledge. You would attentively listen to the leader, Dutch was his name, and try to memorize the words he spoke. You say that you dont always write from your own perspective?, Mary-Beth shook her head. Together, they seek a happy ending to the chaos. Send me your prompts/imagine ideas and the character and Ill write something! Lost, confused and in need of supplies this band of late 19th century outlaws will do what they do best in this new foreign land: Survive. What? It hits all the feelings you get from it. "I wish I were cross-eyed so I can see you twice.". Arthur and Charles were very good friends. His strong, naked torso was littered with faint scars and a few strange tattoos. She's a good person in a bind with no one to turn to. "Before any of them it was just us. Favorite Arthur/John/Mary-Beth headcanons? Pinched brows and a sun-drenched face; an open and honest look in his eye that dont match the carnage laid out at his hand. Even admitting that he likes Hosea more. However, Dutch is initially indecisiveon who to believe but ends up pointing his guns at Arthur and John. At Valentine, when John and Strauss got themselves captured by Leviticus Cornwall's men, Arthur tells Dutch to confront and talk to them whilst he waits for him to make a move, an idea that Dutch agreed to without hesitation. Arthur grew close to Lenny after the two got drunk together in Valentine after Dutch tells him to show Lenny a good time. Later at camp Arthur can thank Charles once again, showing his deep appreciation. Arthur mentions Eliza when conversing with Rains Fall, admitting that the incident caused him to believe he has no right to expect good things to happen to him because of the life he has led. Not much is known about Arthur's relationship with his father, though the little information given implies a strained one at best. Will be more than happy to teach you how to draw. Havent wrote anything in a while so wanna warm up by writing some short drabbles. They shared similar beliefs and principles, albeit Charles was a little bit more moral than him, at one point he berates Arthur for being willing to send a German family on their way after having a family member kidnapped by the Lemoyne Raiders. He aided their fight to protect their land by sneaking into Leviticus Cornwall's office to find proof that his tribe will be forced to move. Thought you might find it useful, hed say, giving you a brand new journal. A drunken Molly falsely claimed to have ratted on the gang when they moved to Beaver Hollow. Navigating the strangeness of waking up in a different century soon takes a spot on the back burner when a ghost from the past begins to threaten the ranch. Arthur would begin to make jokes at Bill's expense over this. Arthur can tell her that if Micah keeps harassing her she just tell him and he will deal with it, showing that he looks out for her, especially when it involves Micah. Whilst at camp Arthur treats Jack with great care and affection when talking to him. His eyes fell on Dutch and Miss Molly O'Shea now. John shook his head, Hes the strangest man., Abigail smirked, Ye have to admit, the crops were better than ever last year. She is ultimately killed by Micah when she is caught off guard by Javier shouting that Pinkertons are on their way. When the gang starts to fall apart Arthur can tell Uncle that he should leave before its too late. He stood, going to his saddlebag, and retrieving an item before offering his hand to Mary-Beth. They find two of Cornwall's men and go to stealth kill them, only for Uncle to fumble it and Arthur is then forced to save him. This is followed by an assault on the gang's hideout by the O'Driscolls. Arthur admired and respected Hamish greatly because of the way he has lived his life, despite his prosthetic leg. Like just a dramatic retelling of events. This will dictate Arthur's reception among his gang members. Although this can later be shown in a companion activity with Sean, where she can be grabbed and used as a human shield, which causes Arthur to shoot the guard showing he does in fact care about her safety. You sniggered, "Mary-Beth, I wouldn't dream of stealing your man." Mary-Beth, blushed. Tilly is also very kind to Arthur, frequently expressing concern for him as his health begins to deteriorate and wishing he'd take better care of himself. Micah convinces Dutch that Arthur and John have become disloyal which begins to strain Arthur's, and the gang's, relationship with Dutch. Whilst at camp, Miss Grimshaw will randomly talk to Arthur and can have unique interactions with him, for example, she will force Arthur to wash himself if he becomes too dirty around camp, and will be forced to pay a fine to her. Whos my good girl? This is the last time they see each other, with Trelawny admitting that he will miss Arthur and tells him that he has been a fine friend to him. He is grateful for Arthur's contributions when he goes hunting and donates what he has caught. If the player makes the decision to help John, Arthur decides sacrificing himself to save John. Due to Beatrice dying when he was very young, Arthur doesn't remember his mother very well. Please consider turning it on! Arthur only survives thanks to the intervention of Eagle Flies but with the latter being mortally wounded. During the final train robbery Abigail is abducted by Agent Milton and taken to Van Horn, both Sadie and Arthur decide to rescue her. While we've done our best to make the core functionality of this site accessible without javascript, it will work better with it enabled. Mary Linton is a good person. Summary: Youve just escaped from Blackwater, barely ducking from bullets that were shot your way. Thankfully, a group of people have picked you up, given you food and shelter and only asked for a small contribution in the form of basic housekeeping (more like camp keeping) in return. In another encounter around the Marston family's homestead Uncle can be seen talking to Abigail, telling her how all good things start with a good women, that John is the luckiest man alive and it was Arthur who told him that, causing Abigail to get up and leave whilst crying. He tells Strauss to get a job and gives him some money to leave, with Strauss doing so, never to be seen again. They will ultimately succeed in this, however. We Loved Once and True, a red dead redemption fanfic | FanFiction

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arthur and mary beth fanfiction