wine alley govanwine alley govan

Those ads you do see are predominantly from local businesses promoting local services. Several hotel chains have moved in while both BBC Scotland and STV have their studio complexes there. Show More . Hi, I'm not from Govan though my grandparents, Janet (Nettie) and David Finlayson owned a newsagents in Neptune Street in the 1940s/1950s. There was a chapel in the parish at Partick. Saturday afternoons were for the matinees at one of the four movie halls; Lyceum, Plaza, Elder and Vogue. Rather than go on strike, which was the traditional form of industrial action, the union leadership of the yards decided to have a work-in and complete the orders that the shipyards had in place. I remember Vogue would show two part Westerns that made us come back the following Saturday to find out who won the fight, there was also an entertainer named "uncle Harry" who would go up on the stage when the movie was over and ask us to wave our white hankies that we were asked to bring, we would all stand up and sing "Pack up your troubles in your old kit bag" before we left. NGR NS 55416 65081. 81 Albums for you to enjoy : - Sunny Govan Memories | Facebook They suggested that the hill may have been a 12th-century Norman motte. [30] British Shipbuilders' sale of Govan to the Norwegian firm was completed in 1988, and the yard was renamed Kvaerner Govan. Mum married and moved to Whiteinch as a child and I remember going across on the ferry to Govan, Anyone recall my mum? Seven generations of our family have been born in Govan. Don't think I enjoyed my time at Govan High, who did but I remember the english teacher Johnny Duncan, Jock Reiburn (maths), who was strict but gave me a good basic knowledge of algebra which stood me in good stead for my future in engineering. I've been back to visit my relatives several times, but the old places are gone. We do not pre-moderate or monitor readers comments appearing on our websites, but we do post-moderate in response to complaints we receive or otherwise when a potential problem comes to our attention. I loved Govan how all the woman watched as we played there was always an adult around and if they were not outside you knew exactly where to find them sitting in a house having a cup of tea great great days I wish we had lived in Govan longer than my 5 years but we always had many visits back to see relies and old neighbours. Related Pages. I loved going to the Steamie with my Mum and her friends. [1][2] By the early 20th century Moorepark was bounded by the commercial properties, tenements and villas of the Broomloan estate to the east and railway lines to the west. [12], There is an oddity whereby part of eighteenth-century parish of Govan (which was in Lanarkshire) is counted as being within Renfrewshire. Although we were all poor, I knew that I could go to any door, ask for a piece, and get it. Did the papers for Maggie Slimmins and the milk for the coop this paid for my first real bike from Andy McNeil's, before that I had a clenny model. I was born in the Southern General Hospital in 1958 and lived at 23 McGregor Street, Chookiehill [Teucharhill] as it was fondly called then. The scheme was codenamed Operation Buckfast after a brand of tonic wine popular in the area. Marconi Electronic Systems and its Marconi Marine unit were sold to British Aerospace in 1999 to form BAE Systems. JAMES D. YOUNG Culture and Socialism: Working-Class Glasgow, 1778-1978, The future of Technics and Civilisation Lewis Mumford, The intellectual life of the British Working Classes. Lots of memories of that area. In 1996, a team from Channel 4's Time Team programme carried out an archeological excavation at the site. J. N. REILLY There is a war on. Used go there for coffee and listen to juke box. We were also in the Choir at Govan Parish church and in the B.B. I remember the following; sitting on the kerb at the mouth of the close playing with the soft tar on the road in the summer with a stick and my mum using melted butter to get the stains of our clothes, playing peever with a shoe polish tin, making up little shows which we all performed in the high backs ,climbing over the pailings, and often getting our knees impaled on the sharp spikes at the top, playing balls against the wall singles and doubles too, climbing onto the steamie roof and jumping onto the pub roof dodging the barbed wire spikes, playing ropes singles and doublers, and swinging on the telephone wires above the low back steamie roof, Summertown Road steamie and baths. We love it here, but still go back to Scotland every other year. During the Viking Age, following the sack of Dumbarton Rock in 870, Govan is believed to have been one of the major centres of the Kingdom of Strathclyde. Servicii comunitare. I remember the baths and went there every Friday, I also remember playing in the street and when the coalman came my mum and I would follow him with a pram and pick up any coal that fell of the lorry. I was born in 1961. Fall in Woodinville at After Hours Wine Walks in Woodin Creek Village! Only a few years into it, faults like dampness had begun to appear in the tower blocks of the Laurieston/ Gorbals project, which rapidly turned into a disaster area. Instead, it referred to the popularity of cheap and powerful tonic wines particularly with young people - the vast consumption of which would often lead to violence and disorder. Does anyone remember my dad Iain Campbell and mother Margaret Marshall born 1921 and 1922? ZinAlley Winery - California Winery Advisor Only neighbours I remember were children Mary and her younger brother James Haggerty who lived in same close which I think was 95 Golspie Street. I was shown the door and advised to join the cubs, which I did, but I would have enjoyed being the 1st Lifebhoy. My Aunt and Uncle Kathleen and Tommy Blacker lived in 6 Rathlin Street, Govan. Full of great memories. On the other hand, a government that takes no heed of the community at large fails also. Unresolved: Release in which this issue/RFE will be addressed. Glorious Govan. One of his best customers was a former police officer who had been thrown out the force due to his heroin addiction. The two men, working for up to 18 hours at a time, had to be smuggled out before dawn each day. Wine Alley was in a part of Govan which is "pretty much gone now but it was notorious," he described. Fond memories include falling in the Elder Park pond and breaking my collar bone, trying to do the fish and chips, building gang huts in the air-raid shelters and raking the middens. It was like growing up in a wasteland! Within 10 years, Glasgow Corporations repair and maintenance service to the area had declined noticeably because the Corporation was simply not interested. She got married in 1956 to my grandfather Robert. My mother, Elsie Walker lived with siblings; Edward, Betty, Beatrice and Edith in Belch Street, it was a small street with only one close and not one single Govan person I have ever met can remember it! Many members of the family were married at St Anthonys Chapel. We had some chalk on us and we wrote on the outside of the lovely red tiles on the wall. Glasgow Crime Stories: The drug nightmare of Wine Alley (Image: Newsquest) Govan covers a huge part of Glasgow's Southside and is famous the world over for its ship building and football team. I went to Greenfield then Govan High left school in 1975 and worked in Govan shipyard canteen my mates wee Calum McLean, Brian Lavoury, Billy Cameron, Tam Reid, Jim Reynolds and Stephen Gourley now living in England. images & design by The Poverty Alliance Glasgow Braendam Link 2005, Sitting here on our computers at the end of 2022, The Glasgow User Manual An Almanac and Peoples Guide To the city, Information obesity (Relating to activism), Positive Thinking and the Positive Thinking Industry, Triangulation ( Try things from a different angle), BRENDAN McLAUGHLIN lifes a Bowl o Cherries, ADAM McNAUGHTON JIM McLEAN The Glasgow I Used To Know, ALEXANDER RODGER (1784-1846) Sawney, Now The Kings Come, JOHN TAYLOR CALDWELL The Battle For The Green, RUTHERGLEN DRAMA GROUP Caterpillar Talking Blues, PHIL McPHEE Hutchie E- A Monument to Corruption, Stupidity and Bad Planning, JOHN McGARRIGLE Write nice thingslast night, PETER ARNOTT & PETER MULLAN Beechgrove Garden Festival, ROBERT LYNN Not a Life Story, Just a Leaf From It, R. D. LAING from Wisdom, Madness and Folly, ALEX CATHCART Nostalgically Speaking Imagination is Money. I met him at our place of employment. Svisiace strnky. When we moved to Nitshill in 1060, I realised how much I had loved Govan. Owned by Harry Knop in the 40s. It was later in 1974 that she began her Stairhead Seminars in the so-called "Wine Alley" area of Govan which led, in 1976, to the Govan Project. Govan's earliest recorded name may be found in the Historia regum Anglorum attributed to Symeon of Durham. The first was an experimental improvement programme, which had the initiatives: the partial modernisation of the houses, the re-planning of the external environment, and the construction of a Tenants Hall. And increase their/your revenues. The lack of house building was not only an added threat to the existing shops and services but also to community life which was struggling just to survive because of the lack of houses. 110m Govan Road Campus . I worked in Fairfields in the seventies, does anyone remember the name of the bike shop at the Linthouse end beside the roundabout. George and Mary Breslin's, 2 boys (Raymond and Michael), William & Margaret Gallagher's boy and girl (Charles and Maureen) and John & Annie Mc Culloch's 2 girls and 1 boy ( Elizabeth, Mary and John) which was us. I would say about 90% of them never stayed in the winey they probably stayed kintra st, briton st, brighton st or clynder st etc but never the winealley. When they checked the mileage they realise it was being used for much longer trips of up to 600 miles a time. Got in with the wrong crowd in Wine Alley,Govan, Glasgow,(Rab C Nesbitt Country) usual stuff to start with theft,housebreakings(Burglary to those from England), theft of and from motor vehicles, local gang wars etc, then got into some serious crime such as armed robbery, Gun running between Stranraer to Belfast, serious assaults(GBH), . The second outcome was a general agreement among officials to stop using the abusive term of Wine Alley as this served only to reproduce the stigma of the scheme. Smith did know Glasgow well, but Edinburgh (where he later worked as Secretary to the University) was gloriously exotic. Now her daughter (my mother) is 92 years old and I am fascinated by the stories which her mother passed down to her and now to me. It was regarded at the time as perhaps the worst slum in Britain, and the people who lived there were treated like vermin by the authorities whom we treated likewise. Scottish Skier February 15, 2020 at 7:51 PM. I screamed blue murder, he wanted to pull my pants down, but no way I letting him do that to me. Now offering wine & beer by the glass! My father "served his time" in the Thermotank then for many years was a policeman in Plantation Street. I considered that I did a real job and that what he did for a living was nonsense. On the 21/6/2005 the plans for the future of Govans Central area were publicly revealed showing that housing and concern for unemployment was high on its agenda. The area was originally a country estate which contained a mansion house, Moore Park, which was built in the early 19th century for the Hagart family, to plans prepared by the architect David Hamilton. Govan has had several local newspapers over the years such as the Govan Chronicle and Govan Press published by the Cossar Family (1851-1983) and by John Maclean (20062014) which also served the communities of Kinning Park, Cardonald, Penilee and Hillington, and the Govan Post (19831988) published by Cook, Paton & Co. of Paisley, now part of Dunfermline Press. Hullo! Then there was the shake the blanket with my older sisters and friends my turn wasn't coming fast enough so as usual I was whining so they gave me my turn and shake the blanket shake the blanket 1-2-3 they lifted me in the air and let the blanket go results bleeding nose and they all got a right telling off. If you are dissatisfied with the response provided you can Local people were also too scared to speak out for fear of reprisals. The planning process commonly involves the juggling of conflicting interests in such a fashion that it is agreeable to all interested parties at least, no one side has to sacrifice itself unjustly. Anyone know the Maguire family from Logie Street and 147 Langlands Road? Added to these miseries, Damer also found that drug See more of Sunny Govan Memories on Facebook. Ah! My Aunt Marg & Uncle Jack Johnstone had the paper shop on Govan Road. When they married on the 29/4/1939 they moved to Hillington. Does anybody recognise the name? We would also put on a concert in one of the vacant stores that Helen's brother and his wife had access to, the women would make hot peas and vinegar and listen to us all singing and dancing out of sync, but what memories, what sheer fun, I wouldn't trade it for the world today. In 1975 the sociologist Sean Damer went to live for six months in Britains most notorious housing scheme, Moorepark, or as it was known to all The Wine Alley of Govan in Glasgow. Glasgow Braendam Link, aims to support, empower and enable all those involved in the partnership to gain more control of their lives by encouraging self-belief, growth and development. Glasgow undercover cop reveals alter-ego life in 80s drug gang Then the place just went to pot. There I was, short hair, snotty-nosed from crying and eating an ice cream cone. The Burnside gang were found with 150,000 in heroin and a large sum in cash. Young Young Winey (Govan) (G51) (Moorpark) 'Republican Wine Alley' . pigella miraculous ladybug power. There was another pub next door, The Bellrock. contact IPSO here, 2001-2023. This company continued until 1965, when it filed for bankruptcy. I was born and brought up in Drumoyne. I was born in Southern General 1971, lived in 1 Elder Street with my mum Ina Quinn and dad Peter Quinn, brothers and sister. During fortnight surveillance in February 1989, they discovered that the same gang member had hired his biggest car yet. Verejnoprospen prce. Laurel Brook. Very fond memories. 114m Nailsby Taylor . I was born in Broomloan Road by the pot heid (TSB) bank which is still there. I was born in Govan in 1950 at 10 Pearce Street across from the P.I., there was only one close in Pearce Street. In June 2004 the Scottish Parliaments Public Petition Committee heard presentations from Govan Community Council about the failure of local regeneration policies in housing, poverty and unemployment. Nu acum. In his 2008 memoir Chasing Killers he reflected on his time on the Southside. These adverts enable local businesses to get in front of their target audience the local community. We moved to Cardonald when I was very small but used to go back to Govan all the time and stay with my grannie at 711 Govan Road, above McLarens Newsagents. Conecteaz-te. I had to leave early as I was going to a residential orchestral camp but I was so heartbroken at the shop closing, I didn't want to miss a moment of that last day. Before leaving the area in 1975, Damer sent in his report on Moorepark to the Housing Manager of the Corporation of Glasgow where he attacked the Corporation for failing to do its job in managing and maintaining both the houses and the environment in Moorepark. No1seems2care. Thus, Damer saw that this decision of loading more of the socially deprived into an existing deprived area, only added to Mooreparks growing problems of joblessness, poverty, depression, drunkenness and crime. This was the catalyst that led local Govanites into despising the peoph of Moorepark, and considering them as different and alien. Naw, he was told, but we have a wee boy in the back. Somehow the government cannot understand that external improvements can only benefit any dilapidated area by not only improving its external image but also by giving the local residents a sense of Well-Being. Govan Cross Wine | Visit A Winery We engraved pet medallions and Jackie let me do it because I had nice handwriting. One thing is clear about Woodinville's Woodin Creek, it is very dog friendly! Two associated Christian burials are radiocarbon dated to the 5th or 6th centuries, making Govan the earliest known Christian site in the region. Lots of memories too many to say here. Will they be full participants at setting the agenda for their locals or are these just pie crust promises?11 Will the same old story of the past three decades resurface where members of local communities are merely informed or consulted about changes in which they have no say?12 Perhaps one of the worst errors that the new regeneration policy is now making is that of ignoring the potential of local housing organisations as important instruments for inclusion and social capital, and their spill over effects of wider social and economic developments and issues. Three times during my young life I was sent away to residential schools for being undernourished while just before my 14th birthday I was put away in an approved school (in 1963) for a large number of burglaries. Another trick was to get a queue lined up outside his house but to serve only half of them and tell the others to come back later. I agreed and the result is the Report, which you now have today which is meant for the October 17th World Poverty Day. I went about with Harry Bitters, Nick Shearer and John McLeod in the mad days of the early 70s. I was born in Govan in 1941. He liked nothing better than tothrow empty drugs packets out of his window and watch a crowd of desperateaddicts scrambling for them. dealing, drug abuse, and money lending had flourished in a big way since 1975, which only added to the schemes wretchedness.

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wine alley govan