USA 13002 Marseille Consilium monitors and ensures that all systems have a healthy status. With the Consilium Remote Monitoring solution Consilium VDRs can be accessed from shore for diagnostics, change of configuration and SW upgrades., 56, Balarabe Musa Crescent marker.addTo( group ); +44 1268 417 745 - Repair, adjustment, comprehensive inspection of fire alarm systems 8380 Zeebrgge The radio will be required (the frequencies are selected depending on the area of navigation - GDP / sea). PDF consilium svdr manual Secure Learn Optimize According to regulations, the VDRs main purpose is to secure evidence in case of an accident. Repair and adjustment of the excitation system of generators, setting up a parallel operation of generators. Portable drainage facilities: 353902 Novorossiysk France - For A3 area (excluding sea areas A1 and A2, within the limits of the zone of geostationary satellites INMARSAT) of the ship radio equipment should include: VHF with DSC, MF radio telephone with DSC, NAVTEX receiver EGC or HF receiver IBM, Inmarsat- C or A / B, EPIRB, SART, handheld (portable) VHF radio, +7 771 501 6200 Fire-fighting equipment: Jangsaengpogorae-Ro 179 Beon-Gil, Nam-Gu TUZLA PLUS MARINE VILLALARI NO:4 The document has moved here. If required, an onboard wireless live connection to the VDR can be used as an additional source of centralized information for the crew. +39 081-559 53 61 C.C. Additional equipment, spare parts, additional power, radio equipment, navigation equipment., A. H. Tammsaare tee 47 +886 7 334 6866 Vietnam +234 1 4619507 Download Consilium F2 VDR - Brochure MP20022A01_Consilium_VDR_F2_brochure1.pdf Downloaded 203 times 463 KB, Avatec Marine has been approved by most major Classification Societies to perform APT (Annual Performance Testing) on, Gzelyal Mah. +55 13 99189-1573 +16049881158 3. Consilium monitors and ensures that all systems have a healthy status. +86 21 58683718 Hong Kong As we strongly believe that the recorded VDR data also has a great value for other matters, Consiliums VDR F2 is designed not only to secure evidence, but also to learn from incidents and optimize functionality. USA Since these systems are an important element in the analysis of accidents or near miss incidents, it is imperative that they are always in order and able to record the required data. Turkey Riga, LV-1045 +1 919-850-3000. SERVICE - 24/7 Global Service Coordination; _____ MWS Schedules ALL Brands & Models Globally JCY-1000 JCY-1700 JCY-1700 S-VDR JCY-1800 . Box 8763,SE-402 76 Gothenburg,Sweden +593 4 2107142 Brazil Completely predictable. China South Korea Al Rahaf, 107 Forsyth Street, OConnor The rescue and rescue equipment includes: Within the range of the on-phone at least one VHF coast station in which continuous for distress alert using DSC) of the ship radio equipment should include: VHF with DSC, NAVTEX receiver, EPIRB, Radar Transpoder, handheld (portable) VHF radio. All the Avatec Marine technicians and engineers are certified to perform F1, this requires a thorough knowledge of all aspects of the equipment. IT-16121 Genova 71-157 Szczecin - For the area A2 (excluding sea area A1, within the range of the on-phone at least one MF coast station in which continuous distress alert using DSC (range of 100-150 miles)) of the ship radio equipment should include: VHF with DSC, MF radio telephone with DSC, NAVTEX receiver, receiver EGC or HF IBM, EPIRB, Radar Transpoder, handheld (portable) VHF radio. The modular construction is designed with the latest technology and allows you to choose the best set for further work. Hong Kong 7420 Cape Town In order to provide a safe and efficient VDR system, Consilium has developed a remote monitoring solution for the F1/S1 and F2 VDR generations. Consilium provides fire detection equipment that is designed to warn the crew of signs of smoke, heat, flames, and oil mist. S-VDR - Consilium Marine & Safety - PDF Catalogs - NauticExpo Meeting such expectations continuously strengthens Consiliums capabilities and benefits its customers. Oily Water Monitors & Calibration Services, Service Brands & Classification Societies, Furuno VR3000 VDR & VR3000S (S)VDR DISCONTINUED. Maintenance, service and repair of the ship's electrics:, Unit 7/27, Annie Street, Wickham (Newcastle) 604 Busan #41-4, Beon-gil, Jaseong-ro, Dong-Gu 5. Guidelines on annual testing of VDR/S-VDR can be found in the MSC.1/Circ.1222, issued on 11 December 2006 Get in touch Feel free to contact us at: . Limburg An Der Lahn weather in May 2023 |, USA Turkey, #1162-5, Choryang, 3-Dong, Dong-Gu, Daejung B/D suite 101, Doctor Hector Sande 726 Based on the legacy of Consilium with ease of use and peace of mind. !7*%ul[KcKg~Kc3zd\QrZSJkc$AyK+>88jSm\x L]{(P@GC`|rp@1Qz< o{;D1i4{u#9~zVn*nnnbV6VD1Qpn{sqxDz?V\$BmZt, =#mAOO[luR6A#NjodoB&2jdjWZmZY:Zrt@.88Jw6.nic06J6j$pLD0W]Tk|d2ld R6[ugN11zBc*s'#%oM}NV&#jA)LQ'XTYTJt SAt'. Consilium Sales & Service officies - SAL Navigation Consilium Europe SAL Navigation AB (Stockholm, Head Office) Vstberga All 36 B 126 30 Hgersten Sweden +46 8 563 01 00 SAL Navigation AB (Gothenburg) Salsmstaregatan 21 422 46 Hisings Backa Sweden +46 8 563 01 00 - Repair, adjustment of steering devices and automation autopilots VDR as Service brochure - Consilium Marine & Safety - NauticExpo, 201, Star B/D, 122-56, Choryang 3-Dong Dong-Gu +39 010 5533900 consilium vdr service network - 606 072 Busan Out of these cookies, the cookies that are categorized as necessary are stored on your browser as they are essential for the working of basic functionalities of the website. % +49 40 822 22 95 0 What equipment is required to install on a ship on the requirements of PMPC, In this category, you can learn more about the technical characteristics of satellite equipment:, Cochrane 639, Suite 57 +45 43 68 50 00 United Arab Emirates 126 30 Hgersten Denmark A small vessel - a yacht or a boat - and a large sea ship need training and are equipped with the necessary radio navigation equipment. 8000 Baha Blanca, Prov. The development and approval of design documentation for modernization and re-equipment of ship automation systems. Consiliums current gas detection product range comprises the SW2020 sampling type system and the unique loop-configured analogue-addressable GS5000 solution. We're expecting roughly 8 to 15 days of rain, so your rubber boots and umbrella are ., 5321 Bolero Circle Consilium adapts to the marine sectors ever-changing international conventions, standards from classification societies, and company policies. We are here to help. Chile - Motor pumps and electric pumps (submersible), water jet pumps;, Sukhumiyskoe str., 120 +82 51 466 1811 We also use third-party cookies that help us analyze and understand how you use this website. Vietnam 80673 Kaohsiung +1 954 261 0045 var map = window.WPLeafletMapPlugin.getCurrentMap(); Supply of navigation equipment, maintenance, repairs and annual inspections of marine navigation equipment. If you did not find a suitable sales & service office in this region, please send us an e-mail. With the Consilium Remote Monitoring solution Consilium VDRs can be accessed from shore for diagnostics, change of configuration and SW upgrades. 3040 Limassol South Korea z o.o. +82 51 463 1100 422 46 Hisings Backa +65 627 10 200 21 b +7 (812) 240-29-38 La Encalada N 995, +61 89 331 00 00 The CS5000 navy cabinet significantly increases the onboard safety. +852-2554 9207 601-837 Busan Consilium M4 VDR, 210, Raheja Arcade, Sector 11, CBD Belapur These are base MIL-rated (Salwico CFD500 N) and MIL-extended range (CFASS-2). USA Flexible The VDR F2 is based on a modular platform which easily can be adapted to any type of installation and extended if new. 200233 Shanghai 21051 120 Rio de Janeiro, Espaa 761 530 016 Visakhapatnam - Collective: rescue boats, lifeboats, life rafts (rigid and inflatable); The program is based on mutual trust the greatest luxury in business. colleen bready married +358 102 819 100 +371-29476691 +7 861 345 3306, Damsgrdsveien 165 +1 954 906 9855 Santos, SP Russia BGAN terminals, 9F.-3, No. Consilium VDR Consilium S-VDR VDR F1 S-VDR (MACKAY . All we ask of you is to pay a fixed, monthly fee and to provide us with an Internet connection so we can make sure everything works, without disturbing the crew on board. 70 028 Szczecin Consilium VDR F1 - a modern voyage data recorders, designed to work on different types of ships. Development Plaza, 555 Panyu 1c1_\p7P9E#CcjYel*a.S$#unO[cY\;jiHoFjeuPekwRI,hVOfuyFIp8o"zk6%DH8R6UM'r[bP,U*E#eicCWd #b~oKK2S!V"`i4q* kJVeV6! }); C/ Gran Via 81- 5 Planta -Dpto 5 Avenue North, Panyu District +54 291 450-2900 The annual testing of VDR/S-VDR is required by SOLAS regulation V/20., Bolshaya Spasskaya Street Panam Ulsan CONSILIUM S-VDR S-VDR Technical specification Global Service Network Consilium Navigation is represented in more than 50 countries and has a presence in the most frequently used ports around the world. +55(21)2561 0139 - Stops metal sliding; %PDF-1.4 +902164464667 Mieszka I 81 +358 400 751060 DK-5700 Svendborg +82 51 714 5872 (service) USA + Modbus TCP Proprietary . Alnteri Sk No:2A Pendik Istanbul. This category only includes cookies that ensures basic functionalities and security features of the website. {T_4:RqR71TYD^Nk')N|&J(M= >y? +61 2 4969 4477 We agree. Russia 10/1 Flat 296 1870 Avellaneda, Buenos Aires Brazil Box 0843-02808 Venezuela 3, 18 andar Centro The technical base for the companys systems and integration with other systems is the Consilium Common Platform (CCP). ~Sw#Kt(E&rq8lQRe6-n%>WkH{-~]q\o"]Ul\zx1Exy1uY=MVkrI(ap ja$gG$9 United Arab Emirates Moved Permanently. Ruse, 7000 4. 191028 Saint-Petersburg These cookies do not store any personal information. 899, Yishan Road Taiwan +86 21 58683716, Off.1, 47, Mokhovaya Str. consilium vdr service network -, Roskildevej 8 +91 22 67935153 Both systems are low in cost and feature easily installable, reliable technology. VDR F1 is compatible with all navigation equipment. The Swedish shipbuilding company, Kockums (formerly Karlskronavarvet) has constructed seven Landsort Class minehunters. %, 34 Space Business Centre Knight Road, P.O.Box 24156, Al Matar Street, (Airport Road) +507 8327903 The platform is developed in-house, giving full control of critical functionality. South Korea Consilium VDR F1, Voyage data recorder (VDR), In-Water Survey of Ships and Mobile Offshore Units By Remotely Operated Vehicle (Rov), R4-52, Hung Phuoc 4, Phu My Hung, Tan Phong Ward,Dist 7 Busan Consilium VDR M4 DCU USB Board 2.0 | eBay 2023 Mackay Communications, Inc., All Rights Reserved. +7 (812) 240-29-39 marker.on('dragend', function () { Latvia ShanDong Province Moreover, Article about emergency radio buoys application description of the principle of operation, Communication&Radionavigation, 2013-2021, The GMDSS Accumulator capacity Calculator, Regulation on the composition of radio equipment, item 2.2, Secure capsule - PROCAP / L3 HVR03-000-20, Operating temperature (for units installed inside the building) - -15 to + 55 C, Operating temperature (for units installed on the open deck) - -25 to + 55 C, Operating temperature (protected capsule) - -55 to + 55 C, Protection Class - IEC 60945 and IEC 61996-1. +31 182 382 422 K-BRIDGE VDR MK2 VOYAGE DATA RECORDER Data Network streams 40x (4800 Bd) / serial streams (1x 38400Bd) + Modbus TCP Proprietary Service communication 100Base-TX (802.3) Monitoring Web viewer/monitoring and configura-tion System . 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