In order to understand DOM based XSS, one needs to see the fundamental difference between Reflected and Stored XSS when compared to DOM based XSS. Cross-Site Scripting (XSS) is a misnomer. DOM-based Cross-Site Scripting Attack in Depth - GeeksforGeeks There are a couple of options for fixing a Trusted Type violation. The purpose of output encoding (as it relates to Cross Site Scripting) is to convert untrusted input into a safe form where the input is displayed as data to the user without executing as code in the browser. In a few clicks we can analyze your entire application and see what components are vulnerable in your application, and suggest you quick fixes. XSS attacks occur when an attacker uses a web application to send malicious code, generally in the form of a browser side script, to a different end user. What is Cross-Site Scripting (XSS)? Definition and Prevention - Rapid7 If you need to render different content, use innerText instead of innerHTML. \u0064\u006f\u0063\u0075\u006d\u0065\u006e\u0074, \u0077\u0072\u0069\u0074\u0065\u006c\u006e, "\u0048\u0065\u006c\u006c\u006f\u0020\u0057\u006f\u0072\u006c\u0064", "\u0061\u006c\u0065\u0072\u0074\u0028\u0031\u0031\u0029", "url(<%=ESAPI.encoder().encodeForJavascript(ESAPI.encoder().encodeForURL(companyName))%>)", '<%=ESAPI.encoder().encodeForJavascript(ESAPI.encoder().encodeForURL(userRelativePath))%>', "<%= Encode.forJavaScript(untrustedData) %>", "<%=ESAPI.encoder().encodeForJavascript(untrustedData)%>", "customFunction('<%=doubleJavaScriptEncodedData%>', y)", //HTML encoding is happening in JavaScript, "javascript:myFunction('<%=untrustedData%>', 'test');", "javascript:myFunction('<%=ESAPI.encoder().encodeForJavascript(ESAPI.encoder().encodeForURL(untrustedData)) %>', 'test');",