7 rules for receiving communion in the hand7 rules for receiving communion in the hand

I think the Holy Spirit was nudging people closer to the problem, which was already in evidence decades before the Council. This is more a question of moral theology than of liturgy. Some advocates of communion on the tongue, at least online, seem guilty of thinking that (however much more virtuous than I they probably are in their lives). If Communion is received in the hand, the hands should first of all be clean. Ireland, 4 September 1976 [18] Moreover, an early illuminated gospel, the Rosanno Gospels, depicts the last supper as a communion line, where the disciples receive in cupped hands while bowed. The faithful must be taught that Jesus Christ is Lord and Savior and that therefore the worship of latria or adoration belonging to God is owed to Christ present in this sacrament. The debate was interrupted by lunch. The symptoms are myriadI certainly would assent to much of what you cite. Answered by Legionary of Christ Father Edward McNamara, professor of liturgy and dean of theology at the Regina Apostolorum university. In 1980 St. John Paul II wrote in the apostolic letterDominicae Cenae: In some countries, the practice of receiving Communion in the hand has been introduced. Ever since the InstructionMemoriale Dominithree years ago, some of the conferences of bishops have been requesting the Apostolic See for the faculty to allow ministers distributing communion to place the eucharistic bread in the hand of the faithful. So they reintroduced the practice of Communion in the hand (it had been originally introduced as a widespread practice by the Arian heretics of the Fourth Century to deny that Jesus is God). It must be presumed that a priest has sufficient formation in moral principles so as to exclude an erroneous conscience in such matters. Hence, my theory is that the wide granting of the indult exceeded its initially intended scope as continued prompting from advisors and larger-than-anticipated requests from conferences overcame the popes reluctance. Even if we presume the authenticity of the text we still do not know how long the practice lasted, whether leavened or unleavened bread was used and whether the practice was exclusive to the Church of Jerusalem. On reverence for the Eucharist and belief in the Real Presence among Catholic laity has greatly declined I dont think this has ever been proven. Madagascar 2 March 1970 Permission for administering Communion in the hand was granted by the Holy See to the following countries and regions under Pope Paul VI:[UPDATED 3-2-18], Belgium, 31 May 1969 I do make the point that reverence, while important, is not the only or most important aspect of Communion. It may well be the case that the sudden change in practice after Vatican II decreased devotion towards the Eucharist and belief in the true presence, and it may well be the case that there were bad actors who in fact desired this result. In this case, the person is to be mindful of the obligation to make an act of perfect contrition, including the intention of confessing as soon as possible (canon 916). Above all it is necessary to have the introduction of the rite preceded by an effective catechesis, so that the people will clearly understand the meaning of receiving in the hand and will practice it with the reverence owed to the sacrament. If one is right handed the left hand should rest upon the right. These practices have wide evidence of use and in some ways never died out completely. Many pathogens are transmitted through the hands. CATHOLIC ENCYCLOPEDIA: Holy Communion - New Advent Father, as to the limitation on what regions might request this indult, Memoriale Domini stipulated that Where a contrary usage, that of placing holy communion on the hand, prevails, the Holy See [] lays on those conferences the task of weighing carefully whatever special circumstances may exist there []. First, Cyril: Coming up to receive, therefore, do not approach with your wrists extended or your fingers splayed, but making your left hand a throne for the right (for it is about to receive a King) and cupping your palm, so receive the Body of Christ; and answer: "Amen." [20] Here is what Theodore says: Q. How to Take Communion in the Catholic Church: 10 Steps - wikiHow 2023 United States Conference of Catholic Bishops, United States Conference of Catholic Bishops is a 501(c)(3) non-profit organization. Obviously, for better or worse, the NLM has an agenda. ODonaghues post, I note with interest that the countries in which Communion in the hand is alleged to have been most prevalent either did not apply for or at any rate receive an indult in these first 8 years of results. Ruff, I think we both agree that internal reverence is the most important aspect of this discussion (and therefore the ways each manner serves that) and I know many reverent people who do both. From the historical point of view, we can say that there is strong evidence that the practice existed in early centuries in some areas of the Church. The same Instruction contained a reminder that the laws of the Church and the writings of the Fathers give ample witness of a supreme reverence and utmost caution toward the Eucharist and that this must continue. | Irondale, AL 35210 |. Bishop Athanasius Schneider argued along the same lines at the end of February. There is a twofold purpose here: that none will find in the new rite anything disturbing to personal devotion toward the Eucharist; that this sacrament, the source, and cause of unity by its very nature, will not become an occasion of discord between members of the faithful. 896. They are also to be instructed not to omit after communion the sincere and appropriate thanksgiving that is in keeping with their individual capacities, state, and occupation. Gross Alexander NPNF 13, ed. However, since it is a permission, it does not generate an absolute right, and the pastors can rescind the permission, either generally or in particular circumstances if objective motives exist for doing so. Chad, 18 September 1969 Care must also be taken that the communicants have clean hands and that their comportment is becoming and in keeping with the practices of the different peoples. In the case of communion under both kinds by way of intinction, it is never permitted to place on the hand of the communicant the host that has been dipped in the Lords blood. Receiving the host in one's hand has been an option in the United States since the bishops authorized this in May 1977 and the Holy See confirmed it. The two ways of receiving communion can without question take place during the same liturgical service. They should be grave and objective questions related to good and evil. Receiving Holy Communion | EWTN All the rites which use leavened bread are reverent but not obsessive. [19] This list is by no means exhaustive, and it would be tedious to cite all of these references as a catalog, but let us turn to a few of them to see what the Fathers have to say about the meaning of this practice. [23] John Chrysostom, hom. 95% of parishes shrinking, seminaries empty, young people disengaged: it will happen in Africa and Asia too when the culture of the secular West overwhelms the Third World. Several readers pointed out that I made no mention of a text of St. Cyril when mentioning the historical foundations of the practice. St. Cyril of Jerusalem in 348 gave this instruction to his congregation:When you approach Holy Communion, make the left hand into a throne for the right, which will receive the King. [15] See the council of Auxerre, canon 36 (it directs women not to receive on their bare hands, but with their hand covered by a cloth). James Shapiro, a literature prof at Columbia, says the situation is catastrophic: One reason was the way of the world. Therefore, it is not licit to deny Holy Communion to any of Christ's faithful solely on the grounds, for example, that the person wishes to receive the Eucharist kneeling or standing" (Redemptionis Sacramentum, no. Communion on the Tongue Is an Apostolic Tradition Alphonse Mingana (Gorgias Press: Piscataway, NJ, 2009 [1933]). University of Notre Dame, McGrath Institute for Church Life July 2, 2020 ( LifeSiteNews) Many bishops around the world are attempting to compel Catholics, who are in the right dispositions to approach the Holy Eucharist, to receive Our Lord in the. Their attitude of reverence must measure up to what they are doing. The Reception of Holy Communion at Mass | USCCB It is not solely the result of some weird medieval form of reverence. The condition is the complete avoidance of any cause for the faithful to be shocked and any danger of irreverence toward the Eucharist. Whatever one thinks about the practice today and its reemergence after Vatican II, it is important that our conversation be grounded in an accurate picture of the history of this practice. This catechesis must succeed in excluding any suggestion that in the mind of the Church there is a lessening of faith in the eucharistic presence and in excluding as well any danger or hint of danger of profaning the Eucharist. The bishop, however, might sometimes deal with the religious priest through his superior in these matters. South Africa, 1971 What is the proper way of receiving Communion in the hand? (Original Latin text here, see pp. Early Christian Communion in the Hand | Church Life Journal They probably never foresaw its subsequent, and occasionally chaotic, development in some parts of the Church. [13] In the far-flung regions of the empireGaul (modern-day France and Spain) we have the witness of Caesarius of Arles[14] and the council of Auxerre,[15] and in England, we have the Venerable Bede. Required fields are marked *. The problem of lack of reverence stems not from the manner of receiving Communion but from the lack of faith, awe, and gratitude before this great mystery. This was the law of the Church for almost 14 centuries, and is still the general norm today. (I dont direct this at you, I mean it to everyone on all sides.). If Communion is given only under the species of bread, the Priest raises the host slightly and shows it to each, saying, The Body of Christ. Mingle and flow into the palms of his disciples![22]. Bishops Cannot Mandate Communion on the Hand or Forbid Communion on the Back issue of Notitiae are accessible via the new website of the Congregation for Divine Worship at: http://www.cultodivino.va/content/cultodivino/it/rivista-notitiae/indici-annate.html. If one is right handed the left hand should rest upon the right. When we receive Communion, we become members of Christ's Body, the Church. Instruction on the Manner of Distributing Holy Communion In order to be properly disposed to receive Communion, participants should not be conscious of grave sin and normally should have fasted for one hour. The option offered to the faithful of receiving the Eucharistic bread in their hand and putting it into their own mouth must not turn out to be the occasion for regarding it as ordinary bread or as just another religious article. He can freely share with the faithful his reasons for preferring to adhere to the traditional practice and encourage the faithful to continue doing so. Dear Patrick, Devotion and reverence toward the Eucharist in the case of communion in the hand. My simple point is that the individual ways our Church evolves over history have a significant impact on its life thereafter, often in ways we dont expect. It is not clear as to how widespread it was or if it was a regular practice. St. It is clear that this mode of reception was considered reverent and was to be carried out in a reverent manner. [22] Ephrem the Syrian, Hymns on Faith 10, trans. Pakistan, 29 October 1976 I happen to accept the role of darkness within the Church, but it strikes me as being perpetrated all too often by those who style themselves the most faithful or loyal to God. When permitted, the choice as to the form of reception falls upon the communicant and not upon the priest. [8] John Chrysostom, Homilies on Ephesians, Baptismal Instruction 12.1516, On the Incomprehensible Nature of God 6.36, and On the Priesthood 3.4. It is still the practice of millions of committed Latin-rite Catholics all over the world and of many Eastern Churches who administer the Eucharist under both species on the tongue. No wonder so many people there have given up on Christianity. It also rules out arguing for an intrinsic link between a rejection of the true presence and communion in the handthe Fathers, on the whole, speak of Christs presence in the Eucharist in highly realistic terms and also received on the hand. Communion received on the tongue and while kneeling. The author seems to think that liturgical reforms should consist of only what an ecumenical council prescribed. The Communion Procession is an action of the Body of Christ. Nowhere in this article did I see what the CHURCH says about Holy Communion, only the writers opinion. For this is what it is to receive unworthily: if one receives at that time when he ought to be doing penance. I suspect that Christ can cope with particles that get dropped but the care we show, or the lack of care, is what counts. Eccl., VII, ix). SACRED CONGREGATION FOR THE DISCIPLINE OF THE SACRAMENTS, InstructionImmensae caritatis, on facilitating reception of Communion in certain circumstances, 29 January 1973: AAS 65 (1973) 264-271; Not 9 (1973) 157-164.

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7 rules for receiving communion in the hand